
May 06, 2009 21:55

Something is going to happen, I can feel it...


Short Round #3
Sat May 9th, 2pm, Karori Park Woods

If bad weather forces a postponement, then the fallback date is Sun May 10th (same place, same time). Looking at the weather forecast, one of these days should be clear enough. Not a KAOS Member? That can be fixed.

Do you want to know more? (Links: 1, 2, 3)


Norwegian Constitution Day
Sun May 17, 2pm, Central Park (lower gate)
As I'm sure you all know, the 17th is Norwegian Constitution Day, and what better day to press the legitimate claim of Her Most Norwegian Excellency The Dictator of KAOS VUW to the English throne? Join as we scatter the ALFs Hanoverian rabble, and re-establish the rightful Hardrada dynasty.

Vikings, photographers, black-metal musicians and medics wanted for the battle. Note that you can buy inflatable guitars in the $2 shop on Courtenay Place, and black wigs in various $2 shops around the place. If anybody knows were I can get an inflatable TV or a Norwegian flag, let me know.


The "For the Birds" Party
2009-05-23, the Evening of Saturday the 23rd of May 2009

In honor of R's elevation to the status of Aquatic Wading Bird (and because many of us are Alpine Parrots), we'll be having a Bird-Party, a suitable time after R's big event, so he has time to unwind and enjoy it properly.

Theme optional. I will not play the Chicken Dance. Mail me for venue details.

parties, kaos, dictator, into the woods, sca, kea, links

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