As many of my friends here know, I started taking Japanese language lessons at a local international campus in Boston starting in late September. One of the features of the class is the opportunity to join the Showa Friendship Circle, which is a program that pairs local residents of the community with some students from Japan currently in the US for English study. Since the campus is secluded and they don't get out much to meet real Americans, the school asks people to come in and kind of become "instant friends" to host the girls and show them around the area. This includes doing things that normal Americans do like shopping, going out to eat, attending events, going to the movies/sporting events/music events, and even family gatherings.
The orientation for the SFC was this past Saturday. I met the two girls I'm being paired up with: Aya from Tokyo and Shizuka from Fukushima. The culture lesson we new volunteers were given before meeting our matches said to expect two very shy young ladies and it was advised not to immediately start planning out events since Japanese people wouldn't be comfortable making dates with strangers. Well, Aya and Shizuka were the complete opposite. Very lively, very friendly. I think by introducing myself by saying "Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Jeff desu. Douzo Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." put them at ease since I knew a few keys phrases of their language. The whole time they spoke, it was in English, so despite repeatedly saying their grasp of our language was horrible, they both did great. And the thing about not wanting to make plans right away... lies! They whipped out their calendars and started pointing at days asking if I was available. Maybe it's because they were college-students and thus live a very structured life. Either way, they seem very eager to be in the program and I think we'll all have a fun time together.
We took some photos, but only this one came out (Aya, myself, and Shizuka):
I made a quick list of what I think will be a complete program:
- show them my house and maybe my workplace
- show them around Hopedale and Franklin
- candlepin bowling... once for practice, maybe cosmic with friends
- Bruins hockey game... or cheaper local alternative
- Celtics basketball game... or cheaper local alternative
- food shopping... buying ingredients for lasagne, then making it
- out to dinner... Olive Garden at least once... maybe like Applebee's or Cracker Barrel for more authentic American food
- day of showing photos, other culture items
- movie theater trip
- Thanksgiving with family
- football house party!!!
Any other suggestions would be great. I'm trying to avoid the typical tourist-stuff, although I did want to go to the New Engand Aquarium with them. They do that kind of stuff on group field trips. They've gone to Niagara Falls already and they have a trip to New York City coming up. Also, if anyone wants to accompany us on an excursion, let me know... though probably wouldn't happen until at least December. It's advised that we bond with them ourselves first before we bring other people in to our circles.
I'm really looking forward to this. Had I know a program like this was available to the general public, I probably would have joined years ago. And not only does this sound fun and will provide great ways of learning about Japan, this will look awesome on my JET resume... which is due soon. I should really be working on my application essay >____>
I'll have plenty more updates soon now that my life is getting active again.
Also, I met a couple girls through the one-on-one lessons we have at the end of each class (Hikari, Ayako, Yuki, and Sayuri). I got a few emails from them, but only Yuki continues to respond. I think they're all just so busy lately. Yuki's cute though, I like her. I saw her at the SFC Orientation. I'll see all three of the girls again this coming Sunday for the Showa Festival. Aya and Shizuka are giving a lesson on a Japanese sport I've never heard of called "small" and Yuki is working in the Haunted House. More photos and videos to come. :D
Me and Yuki... ignore my t-shirt, I was misinformed about dresscode >__<#