Week #39: Textless: Submissions

Aug 05, 2007 02:16

Here is week 39!

The theme for this week will be Textless. Text can sometimes add the perfect finishing touch to an icon, but this week let's let the icon speak for itself! That's why, for this week, your icon must not contain any text whatsoever. That means no tiny text, either. If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Submit your icons in the following format:

URL: http://url.to/your/icon.gif

* Please submit up to three (3) icons by posting a comment to this entry.
* Icons must fit livejournal criteria: 100x100 pixels and under 40 kb.
* Doujinshi and manga are allowed. Fanart is not.

Please Note: Upload your icons to your own server or an image hosting website like photobucket or tinypic. Please do not store your submissions in any journal accounts where they will be visible to the public. Also, DO NOT post or use your icon until voting ends and the winners are picked.

Submissions will be taken until Saturday, August 11th at midnight.

week 39, submissions

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