Using water for fuel to combat gas' stranglehold

Jun 05, 2008 23:49

If everyone could try to repost this information to help spread the word of this miraculous power source that has been hid away from us, thanks to greed, I would appreciate it. Even if you won't get involved; maybe some one you know will.

I am currently embarking on this project myself and I hope that many others get involved. This is the only way we will all be able to get out from under the thumb of petro-companies.
I hope spreading the word of this highly efficient and over-abundant fuel source will some day help lead us all to the prosperous future we deserve.

What is it and where does it come from?

Proof that this is a legit energy source

There are a few different projects posted there, I recommend, "Part 7: Mythbusters dont know shit!"

To get up to date on everything going on today read through the Yahoo group; which is tracking the global process of this project. One of the groups was already mysteriously shut down. We need to do everything we can to make sure we are never squelched.

To get up to date on everything from the past, here is the history of this technology; which dates back to before an engine ever existed that combusted gasoline. ~_^

If this is real, why don't we use this technology today?
Certain interest groups do everything they can to keep this technology under the radar.

Though the technology does have some mainstream success - This is the CEO of Aguagen, a company that patented and is cashing in on a 150 year old technology. The first link is his inventions and the second link is his company website - This is a site to purchase hydrogen boosters; to begin fighting back at gas prices. Reports of up to 50% greater efficiency from gas used.

If anyone manages to create an engine that runs on water alone; I would personally advise keeping it off of any form of media that can be traced back to you. Some day, this technology will be as common practice with water as boiling it.
Tons of information about free energy devices that have been documented throughout the years

Pay it forward
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