this happened on sunday, stupidity of people prompted me to do something a bit...rash...on my own that night...turned out a bit better than i thought it would turn out, even though i kinda regretted it as soon as i said/did it... =) me=loves
happy endings~
Cindy=epitome of loveliness since she
called me funny! =)
wow. it's wednesday[well, technically thursday, but shoot]...una semana already that Cinderella's been here. Hehe, cutie just ran out of the room dragging her toy with the string on the rod down the hall! haha, now she's tipping over my garbage can, then letting go just in time to let it swing back into position, hitting the wall, over and over again =P
btw...Cinderella=kitty's name that i gave her[my parents and sister however..]...not the old lady at loews[yes, Allison, there is someone at loews by that name]; Cindy=little princess' given name..which i avoid since it's also the name of my good friend, que se llama...Cindy!
some random links for you guys:
dry water i want a gal like
stupidity for the entertainment...
this is pretty damn nice~
again, props to Val.
oh, yeah, i've almost settled that i've decided not to go to medieval times, since i did tell Nadia i'd go..that in my mind is close enough to a promise since she's one of my best friends. i will however, make the utmost effort to chill with those going at Justin's before you all leave. convince me if you like. maybe i'll change my mind. but those are my plans as of now.
y creo que es todo para ahora...sin eso:
Compliments of le belle magnifique, Val:
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything..
with that said.. Do it, or you're a poo-licker!