Dear rarewomen author,

Jan 25, 2012 23:32

First off, thank you so much for signing up to fill one of my requests! ♥ I haven't participated in a fic exchange for, uh, six years?, so please excuse me if I'm doing any of this wrong, and feel free to message a mod to ask me for more details or more clarification.

Secondly, please take these as just guidelines or a general idea of what I like. You are in no way obligated to adhere only to my ideas-by all means, go crazy and enjoy.

Fandom 1: Supernatural
Women: Pamela Barnes, Missouri Mosely, Bela Talbot, Claire Novak, Cassie Robinson, Maggie [Ghostfacer; I know she wasn't on the list, but just as an optional extra?]
Optional Details: Probably my first preference on this list is a backstory for Missouri Mosely. I loved her character when she stepped on the screen, and I would really love to know more about her-backstory? Her interactions with John? How did she discover her psychic powers? How does she cope with them? I also would sort of really love an exploration of race/ethnicity here too, since she's one of the very few chromatic characters on this show, but please don't feel obligated to tackle that if you're not comfortable with handling the subject.

For Claire, I love stories that deal with grown-up!Claire, and/or stories that explore Castiel's effects on Claire. (cf. twoskeletons' and be_themoon's Claire fics)

I also love AUs that deviate slightly from canon (i.e. what if x didn't happen in canon? or what if x succeeded instead of failed?). Especially ones that really explore the depths of the ramifications of those deviations.

Fandom 2: Torchwood
Women: Vera Juarez
Optional Details: ANYTHING. Absolutely anything. I'm still so bitter over Vera. Backstories! Fixits! AUs! An exploration of race/ethnicity would, again, be awesome, but if you're not comfortable with that, no worries. I would just be flailing forever if you wrote anything Vera, really.

Fandom 3: Doctor Who (new)
Women: Liz X, Rita (from The God Complex), Jenny (the Doctor’s Daughter), Sally Sparrow, Reinette
Optional Details: Backstories would be great. In the case of Jenny and Sally Sparrow, however, I would love to see what they're doing with their lives post-Doctor encounters. Jenny's intergalactic adventures! Sally dealing with everyday life, but the knowledge that there's so much more out there still haunts her! AU!Reinette! Backstory!Reinette! Badass!Liz X! Rita as a companion! I LIKE EXCLAMATION POINTS! \o/

Things I do not like reading: Rape, non-con, dub-con, sexism (it's okay if the characters fight back against it though-something along the lines of what I did with “Passing” is fine; subtlety in fighting back is perfect); I also don't really enjoy soul-crushingly miserable angst (and don't tend to enjoy cavity-inducing schmoop either, sooo) or pure PWP (I like my sex contextualized)... other than that, idk. Really, I'm good with most things, and you can override the things I dislike by writing it well, by which I mean contextualizing it and dealing with the issues in a sensitive manner.

Oh, and bonus points if you cross the fandoms over in a logical way, but that's totally not necessary.


fic shenanigans

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