Mar 09, 2007 05:27
It's 5:30 in the morning, and I can't seem to go back to sleep. I keep thinking about my trip home in a few days and wheather or not it should just be a permanent move. I recently found out that the guy I'm living with likes me as a friend, but not as a roommate. My other friend and his girlfriend want to move into a house with this guy when they move back from flagstaff this summer and naturally its become a problem of where I'm going to end up. I feel like I'm doing a terrible job of explaining all of this due to the fact that I'm half-asleep still, but I can't help but feel a little abandoned right now. They'll need the credit should they ever decide to get married (and that looks likely) so they can buy they're own home, and I don't wanna stand between them and what they feel like they need to do. I feel abandoned because my initial decision to stay out here after leaving the AF was because I didn't want to leave my new girlfriend or my new friends. Then my new friend found a fantastic girl and moved off with her, my girlfriend dumped me not long after I was out, and now this. Maybe I just wasn't ready to start out on my own, hell I dunno..I'm gonna listen to some music and think this over some more.
~Xenith out.