Having the baby actually go to bed is a weird thing.

Aug 11, 2009 21:31

Baby girl sleeps well in her crib (thank goodness), and is pretty much in bed by 9 every night. It's strange to be up and have her in her own room, with just the two of us in the living room.

Anyway! Nothing particularly interesting to report, which is probably why I haven't been writing much of anything...I've also been generally avoiding my computer for almost a month, which is the other part of the reason. Not sure why that is, exactly - today I finally went through my e-mail, which is good.

There's been a lot of news lately about the health care hysteria. It makes me so angry. I am all for people making opposing arguments. But fear-mongering and hysteria incitement do *not* qualify. Comparisons of Obama with Hitler? You've got to be kidding me! How offensive to people who actually lived during that time! Saying this healthcare proposition is making our country like Maoist China? Really? Are you serious? Read a book and find out what Maoist China really was like! When you make claims like that, all you say to me is that you are ill-informed and can't actually make reasonable arguments.

It is so frustrating. Rather than working together to air potential issues and work through them, we either get hysterical or can only focus on making "the other side" lose, whatever the cost. It makes it all seem so useless.
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