Dec 18, 2005 22:24
The intensity of this mysterious mans gaze would caused Love’s porcelain mask of unadulterated perfection to slightly crumble, amethyst eyes burn of immense sorrow for she was acquainted with this individuals tragic past, Love watched as the man before her began to disappear only to soon reappear behind her slender form, flawless skin would feel the warmth radiate off his form upon her bare back, Love kept her composer the glow of the pale moon cast its beams upon the two bodies trapping them within a moment of time, appearing to be ageless statues within its white glow. Consealing her eyes from the realms view the past asulted her sences flodding her thoughts of imainges of the undoing of this mans affections for his mortal conterpart a singel tear would form like dew upon a frail leaf only to be cast away with the passing wind. Sulty rose petal lips would trembal slowly parting as she cooed Love's entoicating whisper like smoldering smoke numbing the wisdom of ones soul her veventy chimes caressed the folds of his mind.
Your maiden of fair sang thee a song of requiem a chamber created your verse of dark lyrics of decadency her sirens song of innocents made there a bed where thee intertwined the duet of sinful pleasures a blanket of quill feathers hid you not of your forbidden lullaby…A bittersweet song you wrote upon the papers of destiny your ink the blood of your lost maiden…I spare, but a tear for your loss for I am bound by the Councils authority and must uphold the laws set before us…Know this that your maiden of fair loved thee to the never end nor was she alone in the last of her mortal timeline…
Love’s firm stem legs shifted slowly turning the crimson fabric of her silky gown clung to her slender form, the ends of her lavender mane swaying gracefully to rest past the curves of her hips, casting her gaze towards the man who stood before her.
(C) 2005 Calli P
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