An update

Jul 18, 2004 22:27

So I did some talking to Carleton. The big one wouldn't be chosen until November. I just can't wait that long.

Did some searching and there are actually some killer studios in Hamilton and Burlington. PLUS I don't have to deal with that whole bi-lingual thing.

I talked it over with some friends and the only thing holding me here are my friends and my comfortable rut. Time to change the scene.

So unless a fat FAT contract is dangled in front of me, I am gone. I am really starting to look forward to it. And rest assured that my first priority is to get a liscence and a car. So that I can visit. I am not abandoning my friends, but I need this for my career. There just isn't any real opportunities up here.

So for my sake I need this change. But man I am getting interested. I really value my freedom up here, but it's a veiled freedom that is leaving me stifled. I am looking forward to hanging out with Po, Nicolita, Adam, Jen (Adams Jen), Kim, Jim, etc. And looking for that experiance that is going to bring me the happiness I sorely deserve. But its not here. Noitamin was a microcosm of dumbness, good for a ride, but I don't see them picking up for a while. Carleton won't take me back FT no matter what because there isn't enough work to warrant it. That should be a sign right there.

Nuff Said.

Plus I wanna save the 300 bux it costs to go home for Christmas.

OH and get this. At the picnic today I met a nice lady who is Named Kris from Camilton which has a mental hospital.
I am Chris from Hamilton which has a mental hospital....creepy huh??

Got to re-apply for EI tommorrow and pray that goes well.

Anyways. Need to go for a walk and some exercise now. Talk to you all later..

++++++++++ Blah Blah Ends ++++++++++
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