Jun 07, 2005 11:16
Yes it is fun to send fun emails to people. They can even include fun and adventurous attachments.
However while checking an email at work, somebody, I am not saying who, sent me an email with an attachment that simply said, "Hey, check out the new picture". Thinking to myself great a new pic from thier life. No, I got a picture that was NOT suitable for workplace. Luckily it was not so vulgar as to get me fired by my co-worker who is a female who saw it when I closed the window on top. I was not happy and it really embarrased me.
So from now on. IF you send me something that has questionable material, please MARK IT AS SUCH. IT IS PROPER NET-Etiquette. If it had been a really innapropriate picture, I could have been remprimanded or even fired.
I am very VERY un-impressed right now.
If anyone does this again, then I am going to be VERY upset.
++++++++++ ANGER ENDS ++++++++++