Nov 27, 2008 15:23
How do we fight terrorism??
Terrorists work in modules just like a regular army. The entire world must play their game and be better at it then they are.
-Split these modules up and put them against eachother. Fund separate groups of terrorits and encourage them to kill eachother. Break up their unity-they are the only ones that can get rid of eachother. The only thing that's holding them together is their thirst for power and control..not Islam. We must manipulate this thirst for power and allow these modules to fight against eachother for this power so they can self destroy themselves.
As most people know terrorists have once again attacked India's city Mumbai yesterday. They have set up a base in the Taj Hotel holding people hostage as I write this. So what the hell to do?? No one knows what they one knows how to defeat them.
We are no longer fighting Osama Bin Laden or the likes of him that are typically associated with terrorists. They don't have long beards or wear distinctive middle eastern clothing or only know how to preach about the Qu'aran. New age terrorists are more dangerous because they look like us. They are a sophisticated and intelligent young generation of IT professionals, engineers, doctors, and every other profession you can think of. They are energetic, charming, passionate, and fast. There is no negotiation there is no sitting down to talk with them or give them money or killing them. They don't care about dying so what is the point of endlessly bombing random cities around the world?
I pray for India in this difficult time. I hope the hostages can be let out of the hotel as soon as possible.