And Chapter 3E

Mar 04, 2009 21:58

Varia buried her hands Eve’s long, dark hair as the messenger quickened the pace of her tongue.  She could feel Varia getting closer as she held on tighter to the muscular thigh that was draped over her right shoulder.

A litany of incoherent phrases escaped the Queen’s lips as Eve took her to heights she never thought possible on an initial sexual encounter.  Once the peak of the orgasm washed over her, Eve lovingly eased her back down and simply reveled in some sort of symbiotic euphoria.  She was then guided back up to the Queen’s arms as she kissed her way up to lips that were working hard just to breathe.

“That was amazing.”  Varia said breathlessly between kisses.  She was rewarded with a smile from Eve and she turned the girl onto her back before sliding on top of her. “Is there anything you don’t do well?”  She asked.

With small giggle the messenger answered.  “Umm, I’m terrible at dice.”  Which rendered a chuckle from the Queen.

“Well the gods chose well when they sacrificed your luck with games of chance to enhanced your… oral skills.”  She kissed her soundly then moved back to look in her eyes and stroke her face.  “I want you, Eve.”

And with that being said she took her time moving a hand down a graceful neck, along the side of a soft breast, across a flat stomach and finally into the warm, wet apex of the Messenger’s legs.  Eve’s breath caught as Varia’s fingers made contact with her center and her eyes closed in ecstasy.

“I’ve wanted you to touch me like this for so long.”  Eve rasped.

“The feeling is more than mutual.” Varia said as she softly stroked Eve and bent down to kiss her throat.

She built her up with slow, deliberate caresses.  Taking her time and enjoying every movement and sound that came from Eve’s body.

“You’re so responsive.”  She said once she started to pick up the pace.  Eve’s hands started to clutch at her back.

“I want to feel you inside me, Varia.”  Eve whispered into the Queen’s ear.

Varia pulled back to watch Eve’s face before slowly slipping inside.  It was then she found out about something else Eve might not be so good at: maintaining some kind of volume level that wouldn’t wake the entire camp.

“By the god of Eli; yes!  Oh, please… don’t stop!”

The screams that were emanating from the Queen’s hut when Zoe and the rest of the group showed up forced them all to stare on and try not to giggle too loud.  They’d wanted to give Varia an update on the situation in the woods, but decided that now was probably not the best time to barge in.

“It’s gotta be difficult to spit out that whole ‘god of Eli’ line while in the throes of passion.”  Sarah joked quietly.  “Eve really is showing off her dedication here by not just defaulting to any other god with a one syllable name.  I’m impressed.”

“Oh yeah!  Right there!”  The muffled voice persisted in ringing through.

“I’m thinking the Queen might be the one to be impressed with this time around.”  Zoe said as more moans and grunts made their way past the door.

“You know this whole ‘monsters in the woods’ thing can probably wait till morning.”  Anthony said.  “How bout we all head to our huts and give them some privacy.”

“Aw, you ruin all the fun.”  Rah said in a mock pout as they all started to walk away from the hut.

“Don’t worry; I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to at least hear the grand finale of this little show no matter where we are in camp.”  Meg joked.

“Speaking of which, where am I staying?” Sarah asked.

“Oh, I got to be in charge of that.”  Meg said.  “We had all of your things moved to the visitors hut near the back of the camp.  I’d assumed you would be sharing it with Eve, but I guess now you and Khepri can take it.”

“That works.”  Sarah said, with a yawn.

“It only has one bed, but it should be big enough for the both of you.”  Meg added.

Sarah immediately looked at Khepri, whose eyes were already waiting.  She tried to say something, but the words just wouldn’t come out.

“Is that ok, Sarah?”  She asked.  “Do you mind sharing a bed with me?”

Sarah swallowed hard then answered.

“Mind?”  She snickered nervously.  “Of course not, why would I mind?”

Because I’m completely attracted to you and don’t want to complicate my life anymore by sleeping with you in a in the non-unconscious sense.  She thought to herself.

“Good.”  Khepri said with a smile as she took Sarah’s arm in the direction of their hut.  “I hope you don’t snore.”  She finished with a wink.

Sarah simply smiled and continued toward the destination.

And here I was thinking this night couldn’t possibly get any longer.

To be continued…

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