Devil Ride 28/?

Dec 05, 2010 02:21

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimer: CBS, P&G, Telenext et. al. own these characters, not me.

This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact. It contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.


Natalia woke up to find herself alone in the bed. She reached over for the pillow beside her head and buried her face in it, breathed in Olivia's scent, and wondered where she was. One of the first things she had learnt about Olivia was that she wasn't an early riser. With the exception of the one time where Olivia had to be at work, Olivia had never risen before her when they slept together. She knew for a fact that Olivia wasn't working today. They were meant to pick Emma up from Olivia's brother's place in Chicago after her meeting with Mallet.

A while and still no Olivia later, Natalia flung the pillow to one side and clambered out of bed. Her dark hair fell haphazardly around her terry robe clad shoulders as she fumbled with the sash belt around her waist. She roamed around the suite, peeking into the bathroom and Emma's room.

No Olivia.

Natalia ruffled her hair, looked around the suite, and went to turn the television on before lying down on the couch. A few minutes later, she fell back to sleep and began dreaming about trying to finish off a neverending stack of pancakes.

Her lips wouldn't stop moving. Natalia moaned, trying to turn her head from another mouthful of pancake, but it wouldn't leave her alone. Then her dreamscape shifted and Natalia's brows furrowed.


"No... no more..." Natalia mumbled, trying to fend herself from a scary looking fork.


Natalia shifted and smiled when she felt her arms wrap around a warm body. She hummed contentedly and snuggled closer to it. Then she felt something warm and wet on her neck and frowned. She finally cracked open an eye and whimpered when she realised that the warm, wet sensation on her neck was caused by Olivia gently sucking on her pulse point. "Olivia..."

"Oh, now you're up."

She spied Olivia's smirk and smiled faintly in response. "Hi." She blinked sleepily and brought a hand to her eyes. "You're up early."

"I went grocery shopping. I thought maybe I can cook for us tonight... you know, to celebrate Emma coming home."

Natalia's lips curved up immediately. "I can cook so you can spend time with Emma," she offered. Her eyes finally focussed on Olivia's face, smiling warmly at her. She reached out a hand to touch a smooth cheek. "Hi," she greeted again in a soft, shy voice. She wasn't sure exactly what she was feeling so happy about but it was colouring her voice and sending a slight blush to her cheeks.

"I think you're wonderful."

The blush in her cheeks deepened at Olivia's soft declaration and she rolled her eyes. "Sweet talker." Following her mock rebuke, she raised her head slightly to press her lips against Olivia's forehead. "You smell really nice," she said before dropping her head back down on the couch. She twirled a lock of Olivia's hair around a finger distractedly.

"Natalia, this is crazy. I can't seem to keep my hands off you long enough to do anything else," Olivia said in an exasperated voice, her eyes flicking to an audacious hand that had somehow snuck past the loose barrier of Natalia's terry robe of its own accord and was gently cupping a full breast.

Natalia half moaned and half snorted when she spied the renegade hand, then covered it with her own to prevent it from moving anywhere. "I'm not complaining," she murmured huskily, lightly stroking the back of Olivia's hand with her fingers.

Olivia growled but let her hand lie motionless on Natalia's bare skin. "It's time for you to get up. You have somewhere to be really soon. Then we have somewhere to be after that."

Natalia shut her eyes and grimaced at the reminder of who she was due to meet at the mall. "What time is it?"

"Almost ten," Olivia said. Then, in a lower, warmer tone of voice, "Your skin is so soft..."

Natalia smiled again at the wonder in Olivia's voice. "I think you can make me come just by talking to me," she murmured playfully, then chuckled at the salacious look Olivia threw her at her comment.

"I can think of much better things to do with my mouth," Olivia said, nudging Natalia's terry robe open and sticking out a tongue to circle a nipple.

Natalia's eyes fluttered close briefly. "I think you're evil," she finally said in a breathy voice, but neither pulled her robe close nor shift away from Olivia's mouth. "Didn't you say that I should get up? Things to do, people to see?" She tried to raise her brow and replicate the arched look she often saw on Olivia's face, but didn't think that she quite got it. Only Olivia could pull that look off; only Olivia could get her this aroused with just a look, touch, and string of words.

Olivia wrinkled her nose, climbed onto the couch, and laid partially on Natalia. "That you do. But me, on the other hand, I've only got things to see, one person to do, and about ten minutes to do it, so I'm gonna stop talking... Right. About. Now."

Natalia giggled at Olivia's words, then gasped when Olivia's mouth worked down her chest. Olivia shifted and Natalia repositioned her legs to wrap them around Olivia's waist, sighing when her robe fell open. Olivia growled, presumably at the realisation that she had a naked centre pressed up against her torso. The sound sent a shiver of anticipation down Natalia's body, and the firm, intimate touch that followed caused her thinking facility to shut down, leaving her to soak in a world of sensation.


It was a sunny day, despite the chilly wind. Natalia hurried across the parking lot where Olivia had dropped her off, wound her scarf tighter around her neck, and adjusted her sunglasses so that it sat on her head. She scanned the people near the entrance of Springfield Mall but did not see Mallet anywhere. She worried at her lower lip. A part of her was relieved and wondered if she had missed him as she was almost half an hour late; another part of her was anxious that she had as she didn't relish another uninvited visit from him.

It was decided that Olivia would wait for her in the car while she spoke with Mallet. They had agreed that it was better to not clue him in on their relationship; the less Mallet knew about Natalia, the better. All Natalia wanted to do was to listen to what he had to say to her so that he wouldn't have anymore reason to look her up, then embark on her mini roadtrip with Olivia to get Emma. Of course, Mallet probably didn't need any reason to look her up, but she was trying to be optimistic, especially after the kind of night and morning she had had. She couldn't help the smile that enveloped her face and the slight tinge of pink that rose on her cheeks at the thought.

There was something about Olivia's surprise, her evident conflict before capitulating, and her subsequent guilty pleasure the night before that set Natalia's blood racing. Then this morning, her playful assertiveness took her breath away. She liked how Olivia wasn't just one thing, or one way about everything. She liked that Olivia was willing to push the boundary of what she considered to be comfortable. It made her feel like they were exploring new experiences together.

Natalia could see Olivia's white car from where she was standing, and the knowledge that Olivia was close somewhat calmed the jittery feeling in the pit of her stomach. She tapped her foot and crossed her arms before her, happy to take flight if Mallet didn't show in the next two minutes. She sidestepped a bunch of teenagers and suddenly felt an arm around her waist, propelling her through automatic sliding doors.


guiding light

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