Yea I always wanted to get one of these posts set up for any newcomers who happen by my LJ. Not that anyone is knocking down my door to get in but xD
BAD GRAPHICS FTW ah who cares it has Chazz and Megs and that's what's important.
My LJ isn't really COMPLETELY Friends-Only, as I see no need to lock silly little posts that say nothing personal/of substance/etc.
There's information on my userinfo page if you want to know about me! I could write something here but I really don't know WHAT to say that isn't totally repetitive. I write a lot about my real life inside this journal, and while I do talk about fandom it's not my priority. So if you're looking for'll be bored.
I DO RANT A LOT. I try to be a friendly person, cause naturally that's just how I am, but when I'm upset my bitchiness comes out in a vent. I don't expect anyone to read them though xD
UM YEA ANYWAY COMMENT TO BE ADDED. Unless you're on my f-list. ...Although you can still comment if the mood strikes?
also kotetsu is awesome: