Title: Satisfaction
Author: Xenaclone
Pairing: River/Jayne
Rating: PG-ish, slightly smutty
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss
Summary: Well, he did once offer to show them... Post BDM
Notes: Written for Copper for a Kiss prompt challenge at [info]rayne_shippers. Prompt #6: parts.
Jayne suddenly jerks awake in his bunk, a couple of weeks after Miranda.
River stands near him, armed with Vera.
"Show them to me."
"Your man parts. Show them."
"What, now?!!"
Jayne briefly considers accessing his guns and knives. Then realises the pocket Amazon in his bunk is somewhat arousing.
He smiles slowly, peeling off his boxers. The fingers of his right hand quickly coax his shaft erect under the covers. Then he throws back the sheets.
River gasps, “Oh!”
Jayne grins, “Satisfied?”
River drops weapons and climbs on top of him, “No, but I soon will be!”