Fandom Meme time

May 27, 2013 17:29


1. Name one of your favourite characters

Jayne Cobb in Firefly

2. Name one of your favourite villains

Just now, a certain lady in 'Elementary'

3. One actor that you look up to and why

Adam Baldwin [literally!]. Don't let the Twitter feed steer you wrong; he's warm, generous, a great listener and [whispers] a big teddy bear!

4. One actress that you look up to and why

Meryl Streep

5. Favourite episode from any show you watch? (Or just an episode you love)

'Jaynestown' from 'Firefly' and 'Chuck vs the Frosted Tips' for that scene with Casey and Gertrude.

6. Favourite show and why?

Right now = Game of Thrones.

7. If you could live in any fictional universe which one would you live in?

The 'Verse.

8. Name 3 OTPs

John/Elizabeth, Stargate Atlantis; Castle/Beckett, Castle; Daenerys/Drogo, Game of Thrones

9. One character you have a crush on.

Jayne Cobb. I like 'em tall, dark, hairy and rough round the edges!

10. One of your favourite fandoms to be in and why?

It's a tie right now between Firefly and Game of Thrones. The cosplay in the latter is out of this world...

11. Describe (insert show here) in three words

Firefly = Frontier, family, home.

12. Favourite book


13. One band that you love?

The Osmonds. Yes, really.

14. Favourite cast


15. If you were a fictional character in (insert universe here) what would you probably be doing and what life do you think you would have?

In the 'Verse, I hope I'd be fighting alongside Jayne and showing him a good time when he's a good boy [GG]

16. Who do you think is a misunderstood character?

Jayne. To many fans he's just evil/bad because he tried to sell out the Tams, but he learned his lesson from that. Mal got through to him! He gets a line in the BDM which shows he's mellowed [a bit!].
"Shepherd Book once told me, 'If you can't do something smart, do something right.'"

17. Which character do you wish you were siblings/best friends/dating with?

I'd like to be frends/sibling with Tyrion. Dating, Jayne Cobb!

18. Which Hogwarts house are you in?


19. What are three things you've learned from one of the shows you watch?

If you're on Mal's crew long enough, you're family
Can't stop the signal
I aim to misbehave

20. If you could be a writer for any show you wish, how might you develop the plot/characters?

Game of Thrones [with apologies to Mr Martin] = Daenerys eventually gets the Iron Throne with Arya as her Hand, we get to see dragons vs Whitewalkers.

Firefly = Either the musical episode or Jayne's secret!

21. What's one of your favourite quotes from a show you watch?

Given a few of 'em above /\!

22. Favourite type of AU?

At the moment, Jellie = John Casey with Eleanor Bartowski in 'Chuck'

23. Write a brief headcanon for one of your OTPs

Daenerys/Drogo = turns out he's got a doppleganger...

24. What's one show you don't watch but you're still in the fandom?


25. Why do you love the shows you watch/books you read/fandoms you're in?

All sorts of reasons!!

meme, fandom

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