Jellie - Ellie vs the 68 Mustang [3/?]

Feb 24, 2011 08:37

Ellie stood in her bathroom, still shocked, turning the contraception pill pack over and over in her hands. Eventually she managed to put it down and went to bed. Once she woke up, she distracted herself by cleaning the condo from top to bottom. At least, she told herself, she hadn't left a mark on John, even though she'd wished to do so. She'd just about finished cleaning the house when the weekly paper was posted through her front door letterbox. She got herself a coffee and flicked through that paper. There, yet again was the advert for the '68 Mustang. She'd just been remembering that car recently. Suddenly, she decided that she was going to check it out. She lifted her phone and dialled.

Once Ellie had picked up the car and brought it home, she got out the vacuum. Whilst cleaning out the car, she found her late father's laptop. On plugging it in, it booted up surprisingly easily. She knew the first password prompt instinctively. She smiled wistfully, remembering her father. She couldn't figure out immediately what was the answer to the next question. She went away and fixed some food.

John was also home in his condo. He frowned slightly; he was feeling strangely tired. As though he'd gone several rounds in the wrestling ring. He put away his guns and other equipment. As he checked the video feed from Chuck's condo, other things came into his mind. Nakedness, a woman. John shook his head to clear it.

“Get a grip. It's just because it's been a long time since you got laid.” He battened everything down and got back to work.

Ellie left the lap-top alone for a whole day. For a start, she had to face going back to the Castle and thereby seeing John again. Happily for her peace of mind, he was the old no-nonsense by the book agent she knew well. That helped her be the same and bury her body's instinctive reaction to him. Now the genie was out of the bottle, so to speak, and she knew what his lovemaking could be like, she would never entirely feel the same about him. Now she knew that under the hard and crusty NSA agent exterior was a passionate, sensual and tender lover.

Keeping up the pretence wasn't easy, but Ellie did it. She went through her internal check-list for the umpteenth time; clean up, get the tape, be cool. She'd done all of those things. Ellie went home eventually and looked again at the prompt on the screen. Suddenly she knew what the password was; something her father had said often to her. She typed it in. There was a flash and then she was watching image after image. Hundreds; thousands of them. Then she fell back onto the couch and into darkness. When consciousness returned, she placed the lap-top on the coffee table. Ellie took a deep breath, trying not to shake. She knew what this was, just from observing Chuck.

“Why, Dad? Why did you leave an Intersect for me?”
She felt a sudden heat, deep in her abdomen. Her hands went to the spot and a second blinding certainty hit her. She'd just conceived John's child.

Ellie picked up her keys and her purse, then got in her car and drove to the beach. She walked don the beach almost blindly, her thoughts whirling round and round in her head. John would want to know about this, especially after losing most of his relationship with Alex. And yet, what could she say. 'Hey, remember that amnesia drug? We jumped each other's bones and now I'm pregnant.' No, that wouldn't go down well. John would be royally pissed. Then there was the incriminating evidence she had on film. Oh, crap.

The most amazing pleasure, the best sex she'd ever known. Her feelings for John; a mixture of lust, desire and a whole slew of other nebulous things she couldn't even name, not right now. All of that wasn't even taking John's feelings into account. He seemed to like her at least. And he'd had no trouble at all in satisfying her way beyond all her previous experiences. Just great sex alone was a shaky basis to any kind of relationship. But this baby; he or she had a right to know the father and vice versa. Factor in her new unproven Intersect skills, and she had potential additional value. Ellie sat on a bench, looking towards the sea and ran her hands through her hair.

“Hell of a mess you got yourself into, Eleanor. Well, best report my new Intersect acquisition first. Take things one step at a time. Also, get a pregnancy test, just to be sure. Right.” Ellie got up and went back to the car. She picked up her father's lap-top from her home and drove to the Buy More.
She descended the stairs into the Castle. Chuck, Sarah and Casey were there.

She smiled nervously, “Guys; I think I know kung fu.”

The stunned look on their faces helped her walk downstairs steadily without being embarrassed around John. She placed the laptop on the counter.

Chuck smiled and pointed, “That's one of Dad's 'Roark' computers!”

Ellie smiled back, “And it was in a car which he left for me. I fired it up; instant Intersect. Well, almost. He'd put a couple of passwords in place that I had to crack which were obviously meant for me.”

“I'd appreciate having a look at it. There may be other information on there.” Chuck flexed his fingers.

“Sure; you're the computer whizz, not me!”

Sarah commented, “You might be a computer whizz now, Ellie.”

“We'll need to tell Beckman.” John made the connection to Washington.

“Very well. Sarah; Chuck, you're in charge of seeing how much Ellie's Intersect is a copy of the point two. Casey, I need you to report to D.C. with immediate effect. Bring your uniforms and regular gear; I have a covert mission for you that only you can facilitate.”

“Can't share it with the team, Ma'am?”

Beckman considered, “It's abroad and deep undercover. I'll tell you more in person, Casey.”

Casey nodded, “Can I let Alex know I won't be around, Ma'am?”

“Yes, but just say it's work. You could be gone several months.”

“Yes, Ma'am!”

Chuck looked at Casey, “You're actually going?”

Casey gave him a piercing look, “Orders are orders, Chuck. You are a good fighter now with your Intersect skills, plus you've got Sarah and now Ellie. I'll check in when I can.”

Ellie followed him into the armory, “There was something else...”

He turned and tenderly held her shoulders, “You'll be okay, Ellie. Anything else will keep for a couple of months, won't it?”

“Well yes, I guess. But what if you don't come back?” Ellie's lips wobbled in spite of herself.

John's mouth curved into a slight smile, “You'll be fine. I trust you to keep an eye on Alex and Kathleen, to knock some shape into Chuck when he needs it. And in any case, I want to see what you can do with the Intersect! You might have noticed I appreciate strong, capable women and that's what you are.” Here was a glimpse of the passionate lover Ellie had encountered a few nights ago.

“Take care of yourself, John.”

“I will. You've been through a lot in the last year or so, Ellie, and you've coped wonderfully.” He gently tucked one of the strands of her hair behind her ear.

Inwardly, John steadied himself. The scent around Ellie; indeed her very nearness, was having a profound and visceral effect on him. He'd been attracted to her from the first, but now especially since Devon had left, this had blossomed into desire and need. Plus a haunting familiarity, as though he'd already held her, kissed her and claimed her as his own. He tamped down his insistent libido and stayed as neutral as he could.

Ellie managed a smile, “Okay; thanks.”

John gently cupped her chin with one hand, “One last thing, Ellie.”

He was going to have this; one taste of Ellie. She'd be Ms All-American woman and it would be pleasurable. End of. At least then, he could tell his libido to shut the hell up.

Ellie saw John bend his head and knew what was coming and was powerless to resist. Her lips parted automatically as his touched hers. For a second; maybe two, the kiss was gentle, polite and slightly lingering. Then the flame caught the blue touch paper. His tongue slid into her mouth, hers returned the favour. Then his arms were lifting her against the wall and her legs wrapped around his hips. His mouth plundered hers. Ellie felt as though she was on fire. In seconds she was fully aroused, ready and desperate. John's solid erection was sliding against her right where it mattered. Ellie sucked on John's tongue and came, hard. She felt him shudder and he groaned, deep in his chest. He took his mouth away, gasping for breath.

John's eyes were dark with passion, “Sweet Ellie!”

Ellie was still trying to remember how to breathe, “You too!”

John gently helped Ellie back down onto her feet. His mouth tilted roguishly, “First time I've come in my pants since I was a teenager!”

Ellie blushed, “I've never come that fast before!” Not even when she and John had done wild, wicked things with each other in the bedroom down the hall.

John gave her another, brief, hard kiss, “When I come back, we will explore this...whatever it is...between us more thoroughly. Promise.” He picked up his duffel bag, saluted and went out into the night.

jellie, ellie, john casey

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