Jul 19, 2016 08:00
Last! Week! At work!
I'd been fairly unhappy at work for years, but there was always a reason to tough it out for another year: the economy tanking in '08-'09; then getting married; then my mother's illness.
Well, a younger work colleague left last year, and it really hit home. For one thing, she was younger than me; for another, I had trained her up; and finally, she was a good friend, and said point blank: you like to work hard, you like a challenge. Why are you staying here?
I'm not going to say it was easy to find a job. I *finally* *really* listened to my own wife, the career counselor. I networked. I went through a fairly thorough process of four interviews.
And now I have a new job!
I am going to resist the impulse to tell off my supervisor. I am going to resist the urge to gather up old files and toss them into the air.
I have no illusions about how hard the future's going to be: new job, parenting in our 40's. All the changes at once. But on the other hand, at long last, I feel like I'm waking up.