Everyone cool should read this, duuddee.

Jun 30, 2006 16:48



You probably wanna watch it first 'cause I ish given out SPOILERS, bitches!

How to begin?

Well, let's just say, only Avenged Sevenfold would be allowed to play instruments in prison.

They're just that hardcore.

Though maybe Matt + Scary and strangely fat blonde girl made up for that with squishy cuddling (even though we all know he's secretly wishing it were Syn. Or me. Ahem).

The idea of M. Shadows producing spawn may be disturbing, considering in about 16 years all the ponsy little emo!Spawn won't have a chance against Mega-Daddy-With-A-Baseball-Bat!Spawn.

And mhmmm. It's getting better, darlinks. Synyster. But not just that, Synyster chewing gum in a synyster manner. A casual side glance to make out he's not actually creaming his pants at the idea of seeing young Matthew. The afore mentioned Matthew opens the door, one foot raised like the princess he is..

And then - though you don't hear it over the swelling

Another casual look from Syn to hide the fact he just came in his pants like a 13 year old.

Some close-ups. Some shoulder patting. Even some praying and below-shot-gropage.

And well DUH. Of course Shaddy-poos is gonna go with his brethen instead of waiting for Miss ohdon'tuseprotectinoI'monthepilllll to crap out a kid.

Oh shut up you were all thinking the same.

Then the classic.

Matt: Byeee sweetie! ::smooch::
Syn: ::glareglare::
Zacky: ::spider senses tingle:: .. let's hurry.. ::thumb gesture::
Syn: ::hisswhinestompfoot:: ::drags Matt out via soon-to-be-deceased hair::

Then some deliciously inconspicuous mask-putting-on. (Were you as 'ohhh.. I wonder what those pesky fiends are up to..' as me at this point?).

Cut to a shot of Dozy-Bitch - which we really don't wanna see! COME ON PEOPLE. The fangirl population wanna see A7X strolling down a sidewalk in masks just being COO'.

But we get our coolness. We get fence jumping and the customary baseball bats. We get lovely CCTV ass shots. We get -- --


I thought they were in prison on a day visit! Or a school trip! THEY IS TOO STREET TO BE ARRESTED.



So then, in true music video style, two puney police officers get the better of five huge tattooed men with weapons.


... I'm pausing for apple juice. This is one mother-fuckin' long video.

They better have more ass shots.

And I'm back!

Spiderman-esque removing of ze mask. M looking suitably 'oh shit'. Sheesh. The man can act, too. Rawr.

Sadly Miss Dozy can't. And her bump has shrunk. Dude. She has a retractable baby.

Mr S removing his jewels. Aww. Let us take a moment to look at that dimpled chin.






Excuse me for a moment.





Okay. So. I can't use fancy words to describe this since I may have permanantly scarred my throat with a SQUEE. But it was more than just a squee...

It was a ZOMGNAKEDMATT squee.




Nothing can describe this happiness. The tingles dancing along my spine. My tongue dancing along the keyboard since my hands are busy elsewhere. (Taking screenshots you perve!.. supposedly.)

But wait a minute.

Let us rewind.

Is that Syn in the room next to him cursing the two way mirror to hell?

I believe it is. I believe it is.

Is that a terrifying butch burly guy going O_O and taking a gooood long look?

I believe it is. I believe it is.


Way to come down from a high, dangit.


Like... like the ocean when an oil tanker has blown up..

So dark and shiny..

Oh sigh...

Then the usual walk along the cells with a pile of blankets. More burly guys eyeing up their new bitch..


The dreaded conversation!

Dangit I bet the man's glad he has a seperator, 'cause this bitch is CRANKY. PHONE SLAMMIN' CRANKY.

She's so cranky she said 'FOCK YOU'. Yes. I read her lips. It was definitely a fock. A fook maybe.

And more OH NOEZ.

This can't be good.

They cut the music.

They only do that when bad stuff happens!



...byebye Dozy.. .. forever in our hearts.. .. soon gone from our mind as soon as we get to the next scene.

Oh alas. The next scene.


Syn 'materializing' and playing guitar on the chick's coffin?

Brings 'dancing on her grave' up to the 21st century, huh?

But cool all the same. Slash will be eating his top hat.

In a desert at your vocalist's wedding? Pssssh.

At your vocalist's bint's funeral ON the coffin? FUCK YEAAAAH. ROCK ON, BRIAAAAAAAAN.

Seriously. THE coolest bit of music video history.

..but wait.. .. ..

The.. the end of Baby Shadows?

The child to crush the future generation of emos?

...O_O;;;... nuuuuuuu..

... -mourns-

Ooh. And cue a scene that happened to send shivers down my spine. For the words 'but what if I never hold you?' feel all the more potent when an eyelinered chick has popped her clogs and skinhead!Matt is rolling around in his bunk staring at pictures.

Awww.. flash back time...


Aww. And he swallowed. How manly. Choke back those tears! Swallow, dangit! Syn knows you're good at that.


And what is this we have here? Weight lifting? Mhmmmmmm.. flex those arms.. flex those arrmmss...


Syn may have serious competition in the cool stakes.

And A7X finally get to strut their stuff all in black.

Yeaaaaaaaah. Sexiest convicts this side of the worrllddd.

..or.. the other side of teh world ::waves Brit flag::





Oh blessim.

And oh dear.

Matthew Shadows hugging a child has just made my ovaries spontaniously combust with glee.

So a round up..

Lots of brooding men with tattoos, lots of insane coolness, lots more insane coolness, lots of thoughtful stares, more jaw dropping moments then you'll find at a dentists and enough homoerotic prison thoughts to create a whole series of slash fic.

It's got all the makings of a Hollywood movie, and fits the song absolutely beautifully. It's truly stunning, and did give me shivers.

All that plus naked!Matt, criminal!Matt, bald!Matt and dancing-on-yo'-grave-bitch!Syn?

I think there may just be an ocean in my pants.


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