Sometimes I’m agonisingly naïve. I was toddling along quite happily through my life, yet somehow I was looking on at something I wanted. The life I wanted. The person I wanted to be
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My parents don't sound much like yours at all, but I feel I can definately relate to this. I am a teenager after all. ;p
But really, while you may think you fit disgustingly well into the teenage stereotype - and you may well do - it's probably not as well as you think. I don't know you, and I'm probably intruding and overstepping the mark by even replying to this but sometimes you just need to offer your two-cents anyway. I'm sick of being too scared to communicate with people, ha.
You seem to have this objective, calculating view on everything. You know how to articulate what you're feeling. You can accept that when you're unhappy with a situation, it's not always other people's fault; it's also to at least some extent your own. You do not come off as arrogant at all. Like it's been said, the simple fact that you can identify the fact that you need to change seperates you from the stereotype. You seem very intelligent and self-aware; you're not coming on Live Journal and screaming and bitching and whining and all of those other verbs that are so commonly associated with the stereotypical teenager. So, the sheer maturity of this post kind of puts you on a pedastal, lifts you away from that stereotype. If that makes sense. You know, the irony?
I can't even be sure that you're not being too hard on yourself. Form what you've said and the paradox between your words and how you say them I guess you are. Not to mention the fact that I'm willing to believe the others who have commented on this post when they say you're not how you describe yourself at all. There's probably nothing I can say to make you feel better but... Well, you're the centre of your own universe, and if you really want to, you can change your life. You just have to fucking work at it, as daunting and depressing as the idea might be. If you manage to haul yourself up and out of the place you're in, I can imagine it will be the best feeling in the whole goddamn world, you know?
Don't you DARE think you're intruding, sweetheart. I put this in my journal and you on my friend's list because I trust and value your thoughts and opinions ::loves on:: I understand your fear of communication entirely, so please, if you have something to say, never hesitate to say it.
Thank you so much... I've always seen those things as faults rather than qualities. Being so self deprecating kinda contradicts with my intense vanity. My ideas about myself are so warped, but I'm only just discovering that xD So now I need to figure out what I really am.
I agree with you in all entirety. That feeling of actually dragging myself out of the dark.. the hope for that feeling. That's the thing keeping me going.
Once again, thank you! ♥ I love hearing from you, m'love.
But really, while you may think you fit disgustingly well into the teenage stereotype - and you may well do - it's probably not as well as you think. I don't know you, and I'm probably intruding and overstepping the mark by even replying to this but sometimes you just need to offer your two-cents anyway. I'm sick of being too scared to communicate with people, ha.
You seem to have this objective, calculating view on everything. You know how to articulate what you're feeling. You can accept that when you're unhappy with a situation, it's not always other people's fault; it's also to at least some extent your own. You do not come off as arrogant at all. Like it's been said, the simple fact that you can identify the fact that you need to change seperates you from the stereotype. You seem very intelligent and self-aware; you're not coming on Live Journal and screaming and bitching and whining and all of those other verbs that are so commonly associated with the stereotypical teenager. So, the sheer maturity of this post kind of puts you on a pedastal, lifts you away from that stereotype. If that makes sense. You know, the irony?
I can't even be sure that you're not being too hard on yourself. Form what you've said and the paradox between your words and how you say them I guess you are. Not to mention the fact that I'm willing to believe the others who have commented on this post when they say you're not how you describe yourself at all. There's probably nothing I can say to make you feel better but... Well, you're the centre of your own universe, and if you really want to, you can change your life. You just have to fucking work at it, as daunting and depressing as the idea might be. If you manage to haul yourself up and out of the place you're in, I can imagine it will be the best feeling in the whole goddamn world, you know?
[/comment (finally!)] xx
Thank you so much... I've always seen those things as faults rather than qualities. Being so self deprecating kinda contradicts with my intense vanity. My ideas about myself are so warped, but I'm only just discovering that xD So now I need to figure out what I really am.
I agree with you in all entirety. That feeling of actually dragging myself out of the dark.. the hope for that feeling. That's the thing keeping me going.
Once again, thank you! ♥ I love hearing from you, m'love.
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