Dec 05, 2004 23:15
I got threatened from my assistant manager today. I asked for today off but they scheduled me anyway so I called in and said I couldnt show up. she had really no right to get pissed cuz I followed the procedure when it comes to asking days off. write it on a note and give it to a manager 2 weeks in advance. I did that. they didnt honor it. so I called in. she threatened to fire me. ok lets see the sense in that. I just got trained in furniture and they've been depending on me so much recently in the furniture department. I go in when they call me and I dont complain. I work 7 hour shifts when everyone else is workin 6 hour shifts for closing. I dont complain. I've worked before I even had the chance to clock in, didn't complain (to the managers at least). I've been the big lots bitch and havent complained. if they threaten to fire me again, I'm gonna start stealing shit or something. that just really chaps my ass. I'm one of the best workers they have. there's this other fuckstain who hardly gets hours, then calls in for the horus he does get, he comes in late, then the bitch complains about how he never gets hours and how he's gonna go looking for a new job. it's like bitch, shut the fuck up. if anyone's getting fired, he's first to go, and if I go before him, I'm crackin skulls.
ANYWAY... I went to the Letterkills/three days grace/hoobastank concert. the gf wanted me to go so I did. things I learned from that show
-letterkills is actually pretty good. they have a really good front man. very excellent stage presence. makes me envious. one of their guitar players is really good, but never got the spotlight even during his solos(kinda like me!), and their music is quite entertaining.
-three days grace is the WORST BAND I HAVE EVER HEARD/SEEN IN MY LIFE. they are incredibly fake, and suck horribly at music. it's like they all had giant dildos in their asses when they were onstage. they were like "yeah look at us we're rock stars. fuck we're so cool. rock and roll man fuck." they were so fake. they were trying way too hard to be cool. their music was horrible too. they had this like, 10 minute "jam" song and it was just fucking noise. I kid you not. not music. the drums were goin on and on with different beats and the guitars were just making nothing more than noise. straight up, just noise. it was horrible. I wanted to fight them. it upset me so much that a band so fake could be so popular among the kids. stupid kids they are...
-the singer from hoobastank can sing. he just cant hold out notes for very long. once he tries to hold out a note it falls out and he's off key all of the sudden. as long as the note's short he can hold it, lol. I cant say much though. at least he can sing with a decent voice. they put on a good show for the like... the 4 or 5 songs we stayed for. it was a hell of a lot better than three days grace. I think they did that on purpose though. put the shittiest band just before them to make them look better by comparison. if they had letterkills play before them, they would've had a run for their money cuz letterkills had a great stage presence.
I'm wrote incredibly too much. I'll stop. goodbye.
ps - three days grace SUCKS.