Well so today was pretty good! I woke up, took a shower, did the make-up, the usual morning crap. Then i left and went to Hannah's. After like 2 hours of eating chinese food, and listening to music, we went to Joe's!! haha. On the way to the skatepark her sister blasted all these mest songs...haha it was awesome. So we got there and it took forever to get hannah inside b/c we thought those assholes were there again. I finally got her to go inside and it was all skaters, no biker kids. haha. So we hung out for a while and stuff. This kid, Tony, who works there (i think hes hot) randomly just looked at me and waved and said 'hey!' haha. it was weird. these 3 little kids came, the youngest probably being five. It was SO CUTE! haha hannah thought it was disgusting i was like stalking him. hehe. There were a bunch of hott skaters there. This one guy was like 'why aren't you girls skating? you can skate free' and we were like 'uuh.. i don't know *cough*' lol. OMG. this guy came, and we had NO IDEA who he was but he was giving out free stuff and people were crowding around him. So we were watching him skate and he was awesome and he kept looking at us. oh yes, his ritual is to bang his board on the wall twice before he skates. So he came over to us and was talking to us. well guess what? i just found out hes a PRO skater!!! DOUG BROWN... ahahaha we are so dumb!!!!! we talked to a pro skater and didn't even know he is pro!!! haha look
here. ohh god. we were like 'his name is doug something' and then i looked online and found him and he looks EXACTLY the same and his board/deck is the same and his helmet. it all fits together! god we should have gotten his autograph!!!!! So then we hung out more, talked to more skater guys. i sware a lot of them were staring at us and like randomly saying stuff to us. haha. so then they had a product toss [oh wow...we just stood there] and then they had like a trick contest. we watched. it was hella cool. then we left....
so tomorrow i am doing nothing because i'm like, not allowed. sunday i have to pack for florida. and then monday morning-the tuesday after [8 days] i'll be in florida!! FUN!