Mar 01, 2007 16:18
It 4 fucking o'clock and the mail is still not here.
Because of this
1. Adam is 2 hours late for work
2. my rent is not paied yet when I wanted to do it this afternoon
3. I obviously don't have my check.
4. I'll have to rush to the bank so that we can pay our bills today, and like uh have food later.
and on an unrelated note..while that new Enviga tastes good, and supposedly burns calories BUT also burns my stomach. I'm about ready to puke. Probably not enough to stop drinking it though.
I was the only person in class today. just me and my favorite teacher. I could have killed someone. The upside is that the sheet they gave me that says by state law I must be there for 60 hours doesn't apply to me, because i'm over 19. I can just graduate whenever my work is done-which means really soon. W00t.
i hate you mail