Hi everyone!
Time to clock in...Don't forget to wait till they say goodbye!
Courtney got a radio for $2 at a yard sale!
Time to unlcok the bathrooms!
Why won't the vacume work?
Grrrr....Whats going on!?
Every hour I had to do the chemical tests...
And Courtney wrote down the information
Is the weather going to be this crappy all day?
We Need to clean the hair and lint strainer
AHHHHH it's not working, and the hose is going CRAZY!
Ahhhhh control the hose!
I did some reading to see what we did wrong
Duh, Turn the pump off
Then we played cards with Jake, Courtney was the dealer
I won!
Oh no, Heather, the supervisor is coming, pretended to go to the bathroom...
And Courtney ran to the guard table
Now it's time to Exercise
I did the Butterflies for my shoulder
I ate my lunch and drank my coffee while doing the "air running machine" much for exercise!
We were Pooped! Courtney took a nap...
And I watched TV while I did the bicycle machine
We had to Guard after all
Crazy kids came to the pool for 5 seconds
Then they left
Why does the time move so slow?
And why is it so cold in june?
We decided to see if the Backboard worked
It is working A OK!
Time for more TV
Ahhhh I am so tired
Courtney acting professional
Courtney decided to have a catch with herself
Only 20 more minutes!
YES, time to clock out...What a fun day!
It was my second full day of work