Yay Here are the Zillion pics from friday night!!
Laura D and Jut, firt ones on the ice
There is Laura And jut again
Me and Allie
Justin spinning like a professional ice skater
Allie CLUTCHING the wall for dear life haha
Allie amd Jut
There's Allie
Vanilly and her awsome pink hat!
Thats Kate and Dan
Thats my fave pic of Allie, as you can tell its my new background! we didn't even know it woud come out like that
There's Allie and Dan
Jut and Laura while the Samba-WHAT was cleaning the floor
And there's Allie and I while the zamba-WHAT was cleaning the floor!
Lisa V, Allie, Kat, and Bob, good pic!
I know your not saposed to post mess up pics but its funny! haha
Thats the good one, even tho lisa V's head is turned
Laura D Posing for the Cam
Thats me posing and grapping me boobies!!! haha
Laura D and Amanda U
Allie, on the wall as usual! haha
Don and Allie
Allie, Lisa V, and Kat caught off guard!
Me (Matt D) and Laura D! wow we are both D's!!!
Jut, taking pics of himself haha
Kat, Kinda cool pic, looks like she was just pasted on there
Laura, Kat, Lisa V, and I
Allie...doing something haha
Jut attacking Allie!
Allies gum, it fell outta her mouth when just attcked her!
Group shot, mostly lisa V and jut haha
Second try, all Jut
Justin and Laura
Laura as Road Kill or skate kill haha
Kat and Lisa V messing up my hair, the hair they hate so much haha
BOB, and kate and dan are in the background
HAHAHAH thats a fallen kid, i just thought it was so funnny, cuz he just sat there for like 10 mins!!
Kate and Dan again
An upside down pic of me and Allie haha
A huddle consisting of Lisa V, Laura D, Kat M, and Justin F
Allie and Lisa V groping kat's ass! haha
Kate and Dan, Caught offguard
Allie, Cherie, and I
Aww Jut and Laura haha
Allie, me, Laura, and Jut...GREAT pic!
Jut and Laura CLOSE UP
Allie and I CLOSE UP
Hands...(IDK if its a good idea to post this)
Allie dazing off and playing with her hearing device (aka ear)
...Ya me
Laura D and Jut at what jut would call a "Rave" pic haha
Um....RIGHT haha
Thats the Ice Cream that sizzled and scortched! haha it was hot ice cream!
Thats the sunday
Thats Laura D, slurping up the mess
And Allie doing the same thing
Gross Pic hahaha, It's me and Allie eating the free fries!
Jut Passionatly Eating the Fries!! hahaha