Jul 12, 2008 00:37
I'm actually gonna be polite in saying that the reason for all my rantings and ravings is probably because of the fact that simply: Humans bore the fuck out of me.
I am so tired of the fake politeness that everyone portrays to each other just for the sake of being liked. I mean seriously? How liked do you have to be? Are you going to achive anything out of that ego? And then after the fake politeness is over, you become "friends" and you pour out your mundane problems to each other for maybe a few years or so while the other pretends to listen and be concerned and then you both drift apart or you fight and cry about it for a day or two until you forget and go find a new "friend".
And like as far as jobs go, you basically go to school and work for your teachers so you can work towards "your dream career" and around the time college hits you'll probably realize, you'll always be working for someone else. Whether it be teacher, boss, money, customer. Its just an ongoing cycle.
Rape and murder and crime. People try to act so sympathetic and concerned about it but in the end, they google in the newest cases just to read more juicy derails and gossip about it to their "friends". But don't forget to say the words "How awful." in the end. Yes, theres rapists, murderers, and theives. Aka, there are crazy people in the world. Oh my god, what a shocking discovery that you've uncovered for the billionth time.
And the celebrity gossip, that nearly everyone picks at. Its not okay to gossip about your "friends" and people you personally know, but lets have a feild day with these celebrities who we know can never get us back. Lets talk about how all of them are going crazy. I wonder why. Once again, it couldnt be because we keep following them in mobs and taking pictures of them and then posting things about their personal lives for complete strangers to read as if they were animals in a zoo. Noooo, that cant be it.
Iphones, electronics, Zunes, PSPs. Oh look, electrical things that'll give me momentary amusement through megapixels until they end up breaking. But hey we finally have achieved amazing technology that can preform complex tasks in matters of milliseconds, lets use it to spread knowledge and intellect so we can help our future generations! Naw, lets use it for porn, video games and myspace instead, The kids of the future'll understand that we dont wanna do jack shit to make their world a better place. Im sure theyd perfer porn over having a life, a future, and intelliegence any day. Surely this is the meaning of life.
Oh my god, the american government is corrupt and evil. Great, so's like EVERY OTHER GOVERNMENT! But lets talk about the conspiracys we heard over the internet to make us sound like we know jack.
Oh my GAWD teenagers are so fucking dramatic about like everything. Girls, how many boyfriends can you call "the one"? Guys, oh yes, your deep and humorous too. Shut the fuck up and go cry.
Racism. Yes, people are bigots. There, thats it.
Yes, I am bored beyond belief.