My Sickness

May 27, 2007 22:23

Fandom: Scrubs
Title: My Sickness
xemo_chick   (AKA XAngst_PrincessX on FF.Net)
Theme(s): 31. Cold for
Pairing/Characters: Jd/Cox
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer/claimer: Nothing
Summary: Jd is sick.

I was heading out of my patients room when suddenly I felt dizzy and my world began to swirl. I reached out to grasp the frame of the door, steadying my tired body.

"Julie, you O.K there?" Dr. Cox had somehow seen my distress, and was at my side in a stride.

My mentor was always there. No matter how often he said he didn't care.

"Yea I'm fine. I must have just caught a cold or something." I lifted my head to meet his eyes, biting my lower lip as I fought the nausea growing in my stomach.

"Go lie down, I'll get someone to cover your patient."

"Thanks Dr. Cox" I gave a wary smile, and stumbled out of the room. Vaguely catching is worried frown from the corner of my eye.

The truth was it wasn't a cold, and I knew damn well it wasn't. I had been sick for weeks, unexplainable aches and nausea, but I was to stubborn to believe it was serious enough to get checked out. But as the sickness seized to stop I couldn't help but begin to worry for my health.

I finally made it to the on-call room and let out a deep sigh. Carefully easing myself into the single comforting thing in the room, the sofa. I laid there for a long time, staring aimlessly at the blank walls as rest seemed to elude me. My body was throbbing and a new pain had started. It was a strong thump between my eyebrows and trailed down steadily to my throat, vaguely similar to a migraine, but there was another pain weaved between it, a sharp burn that inflamed my head in spurts.

I couldn't drift to sleep, or relax at the least. My body was in sheer pain, and the nausea from before continued to creep into my stomach.


"Newbie. Newbie? Newbie!" I must have dozed off because I was awoken to a bewildered Dr. Cox above me. Shaking me by the shoulder gently, probably to get me up.

"Sorry, Must have dozed off." I said tiredly, a little stunned with how weak my voice sounded.

"Sit up!" Dr. Cox growled, his expression something unreadable.

I did as I was told, a little shakily.

"I said I was so-" I froze when Dr. Cox reached over to pinch my nose, and gingerly lifted my chin up with his other hand. "Dr. Cox?" I whispered a bit confused.

"You weren't answering my pages, so I came here ready to yell my lungs out, and I find you, sleeping on the couch with a  bloody nose."

I furrow my eye brows. Bloody nose? That's not good is it?

"From the looks of it, you've probably had it since I sent you to lie down... You know how long ago that was?" He shakes his head in dread. "2 hours ago. And just look at you, your as pale as... as I don't even know." He lets out a strained sigh.

"That explains it." I mumble, staring at the ceiling

"Explains what." Perry questions as he rises a few feet to meet my gaze. Still pinching my nose shut.

"Oh... I had an awful head ache."

"Jd. How long has this been going on?"

"A couple of weeks." I say, knowing well I shouldn't have said it.

"Did it occur to you to, I dunno, see a doctor!" He lifts my right arm and presses my fingers to the bridge of my nose. Letting go of it himself. "You need to get checked out." He begins to assure me out of the room.

"I'm fine-" My voice grows airy as I am dragged towards the door, and suddenly my head is spinning again. I loose my footing and my knees buckle. I begin to fall so fast I am unable to stop my self. But strong hands are around my waist. Steadying me up and I am amble to stand again.

"Atta boy." Dr. Cox whispers, as I adjust my footing. Clutching my nose shut again. "Maybe I should get you on a gurney."

I nod vaguely.


I must have blacked out because when I awoke once again I was on a gurney. And Dr. Cox was wheeling me down the hall to some place.

"What happened?" I ask confused.

"Shh. Save your strength Newbie." He looks down at me and gives me a little smirk. Hmmm I don't get many of those.

My eyes grow wide when the gurney finally stops and I'm face to face with an MRI machine.

"What! Why are we here?"

"Lillian you need to get checked out, you blacked out."

"Dr. Cox I have a cold. It's nothing." I laugh nervously, hoping it will ease the awkwardness of the situation but he just frowns at me.

"No Jd, 20 something year olds don't just, Black Out! And they don't have 2 hour long bloody noses either." He pats me on the shoulder before I'm handed off to the MRI technician.


It had been hours since I was out of that wretched MRI machine, and now I was attempting to rest in a quiet, expressionless hospital room. Counting down the minutes till Dr. Cox would walk in with the test results.

As much as I wanted to keep telling myself I had been sick with a simple cold, deep down my chest clenched... because I knew it was something serious. Something very serious and I didn't want to hear what it was.

I had been lost in my thoughts, twisting my bed sheets nervously between my fingers when the door slowly turned open. And Dr. Cox walked in, almost a pained expression on his face.

I felt a knot form in my throat. This was not going to end well.

"What is it." I ask, dread very evident in my voice as well as my expression.

"Newbie, there’s no easy way to tell you this. But you have cancer." He looked away towards the expressionless walls that I had earlier been examining myself.

"That sucks" I whisper, a wave of even more tangled thoughts jarring my mind.

I faintly hear A small growl reverberate in Dr. Cox's throat.

"Why didn't you tell me you where sick, why didn't you get checked out earlier Newbie?" He looks at me, his blue eyes questioning.

"I don’t know... I thought it was nothing. I thought I had a cold."  I say in wonder. "I'm gonna die... God."

He whistles, and it startles me. "Your not gonna die." He brushes a hand through his curly hair. " I'll do everything in my power to get you better. Your not gonna die. You hear me?" He puts a hand to my shoulder.

If it had been any other time I would have been squealing like a girl, but now, though Cox was showing affection it didn't matter. I shrug his arm off of my shoulder.

"I hear you." I say softly.

He frowns and rests his hand on his leg. A little hurt by my action.

"God why couldn't it be a cold?" A pained laugh escapes through my teeth and I sink into the bed. Wishing for all the world that this wasn't happening.

"God I dunno Kid." He says softly.

And then the room is silent.

Foreword (Chapter 2)
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