yeah gay quiz thing out of boredness.
1.Starting time: 11:18
2.Full name: Gina Rachel Zito
3.Nicknames: giners, biners, boners, beans..
4.Eye color: brownish
5.Height: 4'11 AND A HALF.
6.Hair color: black :)
7.Siblings: free- val jel vin
8.Shoe Size: 5
9.Age: 13
10.Birthdate: 10 27 89
11.Sign: scorpio
12.Where do you live: heights
13.Street address: stalker.
14.Mailing address: stalker.
15.Where do you want to live: anywheres but hurr.
16.Phone #: STALKER.
17.Sex: chick
18.School: 3HS
19.Grade: 7
21.Right handed or Left handed: right
22.Least favorite sport: basketball. ew.
23.Favorite Hobbies: hangin out with friends, field hockey, eating.
24.Single or taken: single..
25.Like anyone: .. :)
26.Are you lonely: no i have erin griffiths my sex partner WHHHAT?
27.Are you happy: sometimes.
28.What is right next to you: my blink182 poster
29.What is your computer desk made out of: counter stuff
30.What are the last 4 digits in your phone number: 8815
31.What was the last thing you ate: bagel
32.Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: bahamas! woo
33.Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: eh?
34.How many buddies do you have on your list: 200
35.How is the weather right now: i dono i havent been outside.
36.What did you do last night: NOTHING. im sick
37.How do YOU eat an Oreo: i dont like oreos
38.What's your dream car: RED GOLF.. 19 INCH RIMS. ((dantes car))
39.Are you too shy to ask someone out: yeeeah.
40.If you could change your name what would it be: marie
41.What is the stupidest thing you have ever said: me: "did you guys win?" britt: "no" me: "oh did you lose?"
42.What will your first son's name be: gavin
43.First daughter: leigh
44.Do you consider cheerleading a sport: lol no
45.Did you send this to your crush: no?
46.Did your crush send this to you: no
47.Do you have any piercings: yessum
48.What might you get pierced: my nose or eyebrow
49.Do you do drugs: no
50.What are you most scared of: butterflies. hights.
51.How many T.V.'s are in your house: 6
52.What are you listening to right now: blues clues :)
53.Who is the last person that called you: britt
54.Who is the last person that you called: i dont call people.
55.Where do you want to get married: i dono
56.If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: to be skinny, to have straight hair, and to be happy all the time.
57.Your biggest pet peeve: eek i dono
58.Do you like filling this out: yea im bored
59.How many people are you sending this to: no one ass
60.How many will send it back: NO ONE ASS.
61.If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why: yea someone rich cos they have money?
62.Who's your idol: shirley mansen or brody armstrong WOO.
63.What was the last movie you saw in theaters: bringing down the house lol
64.Who would you hate to be locked in a room with: my brother
65.Who would you like to be locked in a room with: erin. lizz. BOB. what?
66.Parent's names: marc & kate
67.Pets: 3 dogs
68.How much do you want a job: a lot. cos i want mullah.
69.Hometown: heights
70.When was your last hospital visit: takin my brother to the ER for xrays
71.What color is your bedroom carpet: wooden floor
72.Who is the last person you got e-mail from: no idea
73.Have you ever been convicted of a crime: yea
74.What's your bedtime: whenever
75.What do you notice about the opposite sex: their hair & shoes. lol.
76.What makes you happy: friends, pearl jam, taking pisses.
77.What do you want to be when you grow up: i wana work in the ER.
78.What are your future goals: to give erin something. MUAHHA- no its not what your thinking
79.Do you like to dance: at dances sho
80.Do you like to sing: hells yea. to pearl jam.
81.Do you like to act: lol nash.
// DO YOU PREFER... //
82.Chocolate milk or White: chocolate
83.Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: DR PEPPER
84.Pepper Ann or Doug: doug hehe
97.Skiing or Boarding: boarding
98.surfing or skating: skating
99.Day or night: night
100.Summer or Winter: summer
101.Spring or Fall: FALL
102.Monday or Friday: friday
103.Saturday or Sunday: saturday
104.Cake or pie: ice cream cake. OH I WANT SOME NOW :(
105.Love or lust: love
106.Silver or gold: silver
107.Diamond or pearl: diamond
108.Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
109.Light or dark: dark
110.Lace or satin: lace
111.Scary or happy movies: scurrrry!
112.Phone or in person: in person
113.CD or tape: CD
114.DVD or video: i dono i dont care
115.Dogs or cats: dogs
116.Rats or hamsters: hamsters
117.Black or white: black
118.Cold or hot: hot
119.Cool or warm: cool
120.Sprite or 7UP: sprite
121.MadTV or Saturday Night Live: both
122.Disney or Warner Bros: disney
123.Comedy or Drama: comedy
124.Carpet or cement: carpet
125.Movies or T.V.: movies
126.Hugs or kisses: aw. boff :)
// HAVE YOU EVER... //
127.Been so drunk you blacked out: not quite
128.Missed school because it was raining: nope
129.Put a body part on fire for amusement: no wtf
130.Kept a secret from everyone: yep
131.Had an imaginery friend: when i was little. i had a duck :\
132.Wanted to hook up with a friend: yea
133.Cried during a flick: yes.. HARDBALL.
134.Thought an animated character was hot: yeah that guy from Daria
135.Had a New Kids on the Block tape: HELLS YEAH!! still do. still listen to it.
136.Prank called someone: yeah "WHERE YOUR HAIR NET?!" lolol lizz & er
137.Been on stage: yepp
138.Cried: nope. never- are you kidding? yeah i most def have.
140.Been mean: lol yea
141.Been sarcastic: yes
142.Met someone new: yeah
143.Talked to someone: have i ever talked to someone? wtf. go die.
144.Missed someone: yea
145.Hugged someone: yea all the time
146.Fought with your parents: of course
147.Wished upon a star: lol yeah
148.Laughed until you cried: lol yessss!
149.Watched a sunrise/sunset: yep
150.Went to the beach at night: yep
151.Read a book for fun: yea. the perks is my favorite <33
152.Ate a meal: yeah
153.Smoked pot: i just sneezed.
154.Been in love: BOB. lol no im kiddin. nah i havent.
155.Given someone a bath: yaeh my wittle cousin
156.Broken the law: yea
157.Made yourself throw-up: yea
158.Gone skinny dipping: last summer was so fun..
159.Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yae lol
160.Been in a fight: yes
161.Been to Africa: no lol
162.Been toilet papering: yeeerp
163.Loved somebody so much it made you cry: yea
164.God/Devil: no.. after life yes
165.Love/Lust: yes.. thats sad if you dont
166.The Closet Monster: no lol
167.The Big Bang Theory: i dont pay attention in geo
168.Heaven/Hell: no
169.Evolution: <- that pearl jam song owns.
170.Superstition: yea
171.Religion: no
172.Politics: FUCK THE POLITICS.
173.The Tooth Fairy: nah
174.The Easter Bunny: nah
175.Santa Claus: nah
176.Fairies: yes :)
177.Elves: no
178.Leprachauns: midgets?
179.Bad Luck: yea
180.Good Luck: yeah
181.True Love: yessum
182.Color: blue, black, pink, & silver
183.Number: 27
184.Boy's name: gavin or ben
185.Girl's name: leigh or marie
186.Subjects in school: study hall w/ uncle lenny!
187.Cartoon character: shaggy
188.City: new york city
189.State: florida
190.Country: america
191.Continent: i dono
192.Thing to do: hang with friends, hockey, drink WHAT.
193.Cereal: rice crispies with the chunks. mmm
194.Thing to do in the morning: watch television
195.Thing to do at night: sleep
196.Boy band/group: PEARL JAM
197.Girl band/group: the distillers.. well thats not all girl but whatever die.
199.Animal: hamster
200.Sport: field hockey!!
201.Shampoo: pantine prov
202.Soap: dove
203.Online Smiley: ;-)
204.Type of shoes: chucks
205.Music: rock, punk rock
206.Food: rice crispies with the chunks haha
207.Movies: tommy boy, black sheep, lloyd haha
208.Drink: dr pepper
209.Place to shop: anywheres
210.Holiday: christmas & halloween
211.Day of the week: friday or saturday
212.Word or phrase: nerd alert, fuck, rad, flippin
213.Toothpaste: colgate total
214.Restaurant: wendys.
215.Flowers: pansys
216.Sport to watch: i dono
217.Sport to play: FIELD HOCKEY. wootles.
218.Ice cream: mint choco chip or strawberry
219.Sesame street character: snuffoluffagus
220.Fast food restaurant: WENDYS lol i have an obsession. its sad.
221.Day of the year: christmas
222.Month: october
223.T.V. show(s): friends, ER, road rules, real world
224.Ending time: 11:53
well that was fun. no actually it wasnt at all. die. i stayed home from school today cos i have a cold. im not even that sick but hell it was a day off from school. wee. im hungry maybe i should go get some food. yeah i will. oh my god i love erin griffiths we were up until like 12 planning our plan in which you are not aloud to know. ha. i love you erin. i <3 the used.
do you wike how my journal wooks now?
omg erin- if you want mushroom shut up if you want broccoli what the hell is brocolli anyway shut up with the brocoll if you want something crazy like pineapple ill kill you if you like pepperonni and bullets youve come to the right place if not your an idiot and deserve to die! <- LMAO!! oh god. good stuff.
sugababy27212: OMG
sugababy27212: YOURE GONNA LOVE THIS
ginavedder311: ?
sugababy27212: HAHAHAHH!!!!!
ginavedder311: JOSH YOUR BROTHER?!!
sugababy27212: YES
ginavedder311: ALL HOLY JOSH EAISE?!?
ginavedder311: WHATD YOU SAY!??!!?
sugababy27212: YES YES
sugababy27212: ok WELLL..
ginavedder311: DOT DOT DOT
sugababy27212: he was about to walk up to his room and he hears all these ims and hes like who are you talking to im like uhh and i named all the people and ur im was still there so i said gina too and hes like GINA! tell her i said hey and im picking her up tonight for dinner! im like ok! ill tell her when she signs back on and then hes like you know i havent seen gina in a long time and he started talking about how he remembered when u were in 4th grade and then he said he hasnt seen you since december whne he went over jels house for tom petty HAAAHAAAA and he kept asking is she back on yet? and im like not yet but she prolly will be and hes like aight and then he went upstairsssss
^^ FUCK YEA!!! :D