today was alright. went with Megan up to her old neighborhood. then it was me, Megan, and Jose.. last name Cuervo. haha. my mom came and got me cause shes gay. it was bad. went to my moms moms, sat around. got in the pool. did whatever else. went to scotties for fireworks. John came down and i got to see him <3. we hung out. he let off some fireworks and hes cute. hmm. then i came home and uploaded assloads of pics. so now..
yes i know i look like a skank, id been swimming and Scottie took it.
my skirt!
our balls that some creepy guy in the mall won us. mines the blue pooh and piglet one.. <3
the funniest thing.. uhm.. EVER.
the "i cant walk over that fucking step" look.
fucking nooooooo. i only posted that cause id get beat up if i didnt.