I finally got to see a whole bunch of cicadas at the north side of Evanston, thanks to a bug-phobic lady friend. Veddy veddy cool insects (and no, I didn't get to eat any).
Eating locally-made gelato with a charming lady companion makes for a very pleasant weekend afternoon.
"No thanks, I don't want a donation". (reply to solicitation of a $10 donation to get into Taste of Randolph street fest).
My brother is now a card-carrying resident of the U.S. Empire. Hail Pax Americana!
D'oh! Next time use the cell phone to set up a date.
- Stock market upswing! Profit is its own reward (Rule of Acquisition #41).
- Free concerts at Millennium Park
- The 4400: Season Three DVDs
- Dr. Who: Season Two DVDs (Netflix finally released 'em!)
- Housewarming parties and BBQs
- Book: Chasing Ghosts by Paul Rieckhoff
- Pirates of the Caribbean 3 movie -- total waste of time and $!
- 24-hour cycle (it's never enough)
- Government job.