Now, I know I should be asleep right now but I just couldn't help myself. I was doing my nightly cruise through CNN and saw this as one of the main headlines under the INTERNATIONAL EDITION: (CNN) - Californians overwhelmingly panned a handful of ballot measures Tuesday designed to pull the state from the edge of what lawmakers have called “financial Armageddon.”
Financial Armageddon? Really? Why is that CNN? Please explain!
Well, evidently, because the California voters said, "Fuck you" to the government, and voted down all of the measures in their expensive as hell special election (except for the last one stating that federal elects cannot receive pay raises in years of deficit).
According to CNN, the measures were meant to help balance California's gross debt, and I would be willing to believe that if I had never opened the voting pamphlet. However, some of you may recall that several of the measures were social measures. Meaning, they were intended to spend more money on special issues as opposed to balancing our debt! Now, I'm not an economist, but I think I can put two and two together and say that spending money we don't have on anything is going to increase the amount of money we already don't have.
Now, this brings me to my first real issue with this situation: CNN.
What the fuck CNN? Did you forget how to read? Did you forget how to report on an issue? There is an entire section of your article what exclaims "Oh noes America! Look at what those horrible Californians did! Now the Govenator is going to cut spending to schools! And Health! And let prisoners go!" Okay, so, if the only alternative to these measures is cutting back on things like health care and education, why were there measures to allot more spending on health care and education?! That makes no sense at all! Where were we getting this imaginary budget from a few hours ago, before the results were in?! I want that shit back. And a Lexus. Additionally, you made Californian citizens sound like lazy retards. Why would you even report on the turnout being low because voters were "fatigued" or "turned off by complex issues"? How about we're fucking sick and tired of the state jerking us around and spending all of our money on bullshit we never agreed to? No one wanted a special election when we all knew how it was going to turn out! This is underhanded, yellow journalism at it's best, and I honestly expected better of you, CNN.
Issue 2: What the fuck CNN? Did you really quote Lance Corcoran in your article about California's "Financial Armageddon"?
“The reality is that people don’t get to the California prison system by accident, and most of our offenders have nine felony convictions before they have ever seen the inside of the prison,” Corcoran said. “There is concern that we are just dumping people back into communities and those communities are going to be at risk.”
Oh why, yes. Yes, you did. The same Lance Corcoran who is part of the prison union (biased anyone?). And who is a raging alcoholic. And did I mention crazy?
I also love how they just inserted his fear mongering bile after their statement about how "non-violent", "non-serious", and "non-sex offenders" would be the ones released. This pretty much means minor drug offenders and illegal immigrants. Oh lord help us! I really don't think we'll survive this end of days.
... No pun intended.
Reference here: