Nightmare is Over!

May 08, 2006 23:28

Today is a special day for everyone in company. Why? Because, the most un-welcomed person in my company is now officially fired!

I've never met such an odd individual before. She's so weird that she came in my company and have never contribute a single bit to the company in her 2 months + employment period. She's still under probation which is why she has to leave on the day itself. This woman came and only create politics, unhappiness and havoc in the company, other than that, she has contibute NOTHING!!!!

She backstabbed everyone, she argues with boss and the CFO. From my place, I can see them shouting at each other. Apparently, my boss has given her warning. If she didn't perform, she has to leave and YET, she refused to perform. Everday, I can see her talking happily on the phone, sitting at her place putting on lipstick, removing and putting them on again. Not like she's going to meet any clients. *frowns*

The best thing she did in the history is coming back to work during the weekend (how surprising) and asking people to keep quiet while she work (as in talking on the phone). Others can't on their music too loud. C'mon, it's a Saturday!!! Anyway, she went to turn down the volume at my colleagues place when she finds the music loud. She turn the volume down so low until you can't hear anything!! How rude!

But from now on...everything she did is history. She's no longer an employee here. Which means peace @ office! The period of time when she was around, it feels like a very loooong nightmare! I know I sounds dramatic, but you will not believe the stuff that she did to every single person when she was around and how much my boss used to trust her in the beginning. I am so glad everything is over! :D *Throws conffeti in the air*
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