Mar 06, 2005 15:51

Yes I am still alive!!

So winter break...
Most unproductive week of my life, but I really needed it after two weeks of getting next to no sleep due to writing multiple papers and taking midterms. I just relaxed and watched movies downstairs in my basement on my sweet movie theatre screen with people like every night. Fun times. There are a lot of people I didn't get to see, which makes me sad. I miss so many people right now (specifically my girls Dawn, Sarah, and Leighann who I have not hung out with in FOREVER!! We need to change that.)I sent in my housing info the week before break, bitch what! So I'll be livin with Tina, Lori, and Lauren Hansz (if she stays at Eastern) Our room is gonna be so blingtastic. Um other than that, nothing else is new. I have some boy issues I may post about later in a 'friends only' post. Tomorrow is back to school. I really need to start hammering out Aural Skills shit on the piano and record it and listen to it til I scream so that I do well on the upcoming exams, cuz I did REALLY bad on the first one. Ugh, I sing tomorrow in studio and I only practiced for like a half hour yesterday. I told my voice teacher I would practice a lot over break. Ooops. Well I just really needed a break from singing cuz I've been stressing myself out over it lately. You don't realize how challenging singing really is until you study it in college. But I'm changing my vocal music ed major to a minor so I can get a communications and theatre arts major and then another minor in English, which means I can teach drama/speech/english in secondary ed schools (and I can still perform too). And then I'm still going to continue with applied voice and choir. I really love the music program, but I wouldn't have time to take any theatre classes really. Plus I want more options in my life besides a career in music. Well I'm gonna go get ready cuz I'm seeing "Phantom of the Opera" tonight at the Masonic!! YAAAYY!!

xoxo ~Elle
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