[ Action, earlier in the day ]

Apr 21, 2011 22:55

[At the end of the school day, Fenimore attempts to leave as soon as she can. She's already made plans for today with Stella, her unofficial mentor in being a Ferines having her particular gifts from Sona. But she has some time before she actually meets up -- she just wants to have an excuse to get out of the building as soon as she can. Anyone following her would find that she's not exactly speeding along.

She really doesn't make it very far at all before she stops on her route. In the shift earlier in the week, she misplaced a lot of stuff, and that included her chalk. Being a reasonable fan of hopscotch, this was a mild setback for her. Presently, though, an idea for a temporary solution popped into her mind and, taking a couple of minutes to scour the plaza-side trees for a dead branch that a seven-year-old could reasonably wield, she checks if she can scratch a hopscotch field into the dirt. It turns out crude, but sufficient for her purposes. Admiring her handiwork, she can't help but ditch her bag and branch to one side in order to test it out. With a stone to mark her progress, she begins. She's pretty good at it, though certainly nothing extraordinary for her age.

This diversion only lasts for so long, but she doesn't even make it all the way back to her house in the south of the village before stopping again, even though she doesn't even have to cross the river to get there. This time, the branch that she dragged behind her has outlived its usefulness as a long stick. Instead, she breaks off a couple of shorter pieces to brandish. She can be found on the side of the road, bag discarded yet again, as she battles with imaginary enemies. Listening to her disjointed, one-sided conversations with the invisible foes, one might be able to surmise that she is no longer Fenimore Thunderaxe the student, but Fenimore Thunderaxe, brave warrior. (Why would she ever change her name for the sake of fantasy? Her family has the coolest last name ever, for serious. Even if it is pretty weird how every branch of the family has a different last name!) Having parents who are willing to show her how to defend herself, she's a bit more graceful than your standard kid with a big imagination, but that only goes so far when she's pretending to do things that are way cooler than what she can do right now.

Still, that can only last so long before she finally makes her way to her home in house 56, which she stops by briefly to drop off her school stuff, repack, and let her family know that she's off to her lesson with Stella.

She's still a bit earlier than they agreed to meet, though, which leaves her time on the river shore by the southernmost bridge. There's a little wading and poking around in the water to check out some of the stuff that Ginko showed her the other day (ongoing), but most of it involves throwing stones into the water. If she were more skilled, this would be considered "skipping stones," but, under the circumstances, it is more "plopping stones a little ways away from the bank."

She doesn't have a watch, though, so her sense of timing means that she's arriving at Stella's house (number 34) about ten or so minutes late for her lesson. Whoops!

When she returns from her lesson, she's used up pretty much all of her extra energy, so she'll be sticking to inside when Stella takes her home. It's not bedtime yet (even though that is probably something she considers criminally early compared to the rest of her family despite her tendency to fall asleep around then anyway) and she isn't ready for it, either, but she doesn't have the energy to use running around outside.

Welcome to a day in the life of an AU kid.]

[OOC: I am working on an AU information post. It is currently pretty empty other than my list of her relatives (massive due to being a descendant of Brook). It doubles as a place to contact about AU CR planning, if you want to sound it out (apologies for not having gotten that ready ahead of time!). But I am also totally up for winging it and making up headcanon as we go along -- go wild! I love headcanon. I'll just contact you if any of it doesn't fit in or if I don't quite get what you're saying in the action tags.

Also, this post is massively long to provide a range of possibilities for interaction. But it is not an exhaustive one! She can be met before the post -- mostly this is taken up by school and making her way to school. She can be delayed at school -- she just wants to get away quickly. She can be found in between these highlighted moments -- just about anywhere south of the plaza and east of the river, as well as that little bit at the end going between houses 56 and 34. Or anything I might have forgotten! I really don't expect enough replies to use all of these opportunities, but I also don't want to limit people. In fact, anyone who is a particular glutton for tiny AU Fen can reply to multiple scenarios. ...Though it might be a little too much of a coincidence to meet her at every point. By that point, you might get labelled as stalking little girls and that's not a good reputation to get.

Oh yeah: replies from bittyblessing]

event: luceti valley, !ic

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