¤ He Was Only 19 - Dedicated to Rob Laveque

Aug 25, 2003 00:53

Sitting in a hectic box
Staring at the lighted screen
Listening to the fucked up echoing
Of his neighbor screaming to me
"The cops just showed up tonight
About two hours ago
And she told me with her voice in freight
Sharna, there's something you should know"
Matt was driving oh so fast, and Rob was in the car
And when Matt lost control, both lives were immediatly barred.
And dave is sickened to the core,
for in that car he should have been,
but he backed out and blames himself,
though staying is what god chose for him.

When will we learn that the drugs bring us nowhere
How many more innocent lives must be tossed
When will we see the pain that we cause
Though it seems such a far fetched thought
When we're high and about theres no time to think
No time to worry , no time to truly see
Look what youre doing to those around you
Ignoring the faces that really do care as they fight so hard to appear they dont for reasons we dont know-
And Rob would be alive if it werent for making decisons
Like driving while intoxicated, or even worst, drug ridden
How many more must we sacrifice
How many more hearts must I hear shatter again
How many more fucking times must we fight and struggle
To end up back where weve always felt weve been

He was only 19 and had so much more to give
So much more nights of comfort and light to give
Sitting in a chair, with tears behind my eyes
I look up to see, Rob walking by
And he sits down next to me to say,
I wont always feel alone and Ill be okay,
And then another conversation arose,
And he was there that day to say,
Sharna put your head up, these things happen so often,
Youd think youd learn by now, its never gonna change darlin,
Im here until the end,
And I will be your friend
no one understands why problems come,
spark it up and we'll forget them,
As the smoke hit my face from out of his mouth,
I remembered his face when I yelled at him about,
All the shit bottled up and everyone that deserves better,
And he said that he wanted it and would someday, get there-
You see, most people think someday can be any day we choose-
But if you dont put it to a hurry, youll never know when youll lose-
Rob didnt have the chance,
To do the things he wanted,
Rob will never physically feel the love in this room tonight-
Because his soul's departed-
Were all left here empti-hearted...
Friends, Siblings, Relatives..
Feeling at fault, feeling alone, feeling scared, feeling old...feeling hopeless and feeling numb
But mainly feeling oh so dumb...
Who didnt get to say goodbye, who here was on bad terms, who here took advantage, who here will actually learn
Say how you feel and face reality...to find a life filled with no regret and tranquility..

How many more lives must be lost
How many more young souls must die
How many more over doses and car crashes must it take
For us all to work to stop the cries.
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