I feel like I'm letting people down for not following through with stuff lately, even though I know a lot of my readers probably aren't so impatient and can wait for an update. I said I would talk about how my craft fair went last week but I didn't, I said that IB chapter 3 would be up soon but it's not, I was going to finish my selfsim SimSperiments but I didn't, and I haven't posted the next updates of my Alien Asylum and the Doohickeys even though the pictures are there waiting for me. Hell, I don't even think I remember what I was going to say in them!
Anyway, this entry will be a jumbled up mess of Sims shit and RL shit, just like the other entry I did a while ago. Before I get to anything, I'd like to point out that I have a new layout. I was really getting tired of the dark blue because it was making my photos look so dark too.
I guess I'll talk about the craft fair first...
It SUCKED. I didn't even make the table back! I know it wasn't me because barely anybody did well. The first day was freezing cold and the second day rained like crazy in the morning. Another factor was that there was a $10 a person admission- which included children! So basically, the people would get into the fair, the kids would drag their parents to all the children's activities and then when the adults reached the vendors they had no money left because they spent it all on the kids.
Another problem was that all of the jewelry booths were clumped together. I really HATE when that happens. Usually when they do that some booths get more attention than others. There have been quite a few craft fairs that I've attended where I'm surrounded by other jewelry vendors, and when a customer finally comes to look at my stuff somebody else with them skips over to the booth next to me and goes "OOH LOOK OVER HERE!" and they both leave me in the dust. Doing that is a great way to make somebody feel that their stuff is crap and those around them are so much better. Luckily the next craft fair I have (I believe it's November 22 at a local church) will have all of the different types of sellers scattered so I don't have to deal with that shit again.
The good thing about the event was that Paul (our new PT Cruiser :P) has proven to be very useful. It was the first time we took it to a fair, and it can fit everything I bring without us having to have two cars. That was the first time my mom and I went there without having to take my dad along too.
On a lighter note, guess who got a huge solo in choir? ME! After four semesters of being involved in two choirs at this college and not making the cut after I try out for something, I finally got one my last semester there! It's the alto part of a quartet in a mass by Mozart. My understudy and I had a little two on one lesson with the choir conductor after school today, and the notes are pretty easy but the rhythm is extremely hard. Rhythm is my weakness, so I have to work very hard on it. After the concert, we usually are able to get a recording of our performances online so I will most likely put a link here just in case anybody wants to listen to it.
This was last spring's. My choirs are the Suffolk Singers and College Choir. The peices we performed then were awesome.
First off, yes I am still working on Immortal Beloved Chapter 3. It's proven to be very slow going with a ton of dialogue and not much action. It's about 3/4 done with the text pretty much finished and 1/3 of the photos ready to go. The big problem is the photos. I just don't feel like taking them! So the text just keeps getting longer and longer without any pictures to illustrate it. I want to post the pictures though, since I like to balance out the text.
Besides, I really really want to get to part 2! There's this new character that really wants to show herself. In fact, I've shown her before
here. Said character is greatly inspired by one of my dear LJ friends, actually. The link to that entry has some hints to who. Oh, and poor orphaned Guy will finally get some relatives. Yeah, I'm not good at keeping secrets AT ALL. :P
I've been experimenting with new default replacements- even though I really like my combination of Maxis skin with
Eye Candy Eyes. Right now I'm trying out these
facial defaults, which don't really look so bad. I like the nose detail, and around the eyes actually looks like eyelids instead of just makeup. The only problems I have with them is that the S4 is pretty shiny, and that the aliens have this odd shade of green around the nose which isn't an exact match. Even so, I'm still probably going to take them out because I'm so used to the Maxis skin.
I also am planning on trying out these
eye default replacements. They look like they might be one of those that have the dreaded black blobs, but they're really cartoony and have color choices. Besides, right away I've spotted the right color eyes for my self sim! I don't really like how the grey in my default eye set looks on her. My eyes are more of a mixture between Grey #2 in that set and Dark Blue #1. They're a very weird color, because in different lighting it looks like my eyes change shades of blue and grey. Sometimes they even look green. If I were to use these defaults I'd probably have Brown #1, Dark Blue #4, either Green #2 or 5, Grey #2, and Light Blue #1.
I don't know what's up with me lately, but I've become a CC whore. Clothing and hair mostly, and I really truly am trying to stop. Surprisingly, I'm still picky with getting stuff though. I don't like tons of wrinkles and I don't like photoskinning and words on clothes unless it's in simlish. It's just that once I find a creator that I like I tend to go a bit crazy and download almost all of what they have!
Having said that, Belladonna Galaxy and Jasper Cojones- two of my past
pixel_trade founders, are here to model some stuff for you:
I thought I was crazy when I downloaded that mohawk by Nouk, until I saw it on Belladonna! It's definitely not a style that looks good on everybody because it's so wild but on her it just clicks.She's probably the only sim I'll ever use it on though. Oh, and I'd like to point out that the majority of the makeup I have came from downloading a shitload of sims from PT. The only makeup I've downloaded myself either comes from a) Lyran, or b) Bruno. Therefore I usually don't know where stuff comes from, which is the case of the eye makeup she has on. I usually don't put a crapload of makeup on sims and when I do it's usually looks subtle unless their personality and overall look says that I should go overboard.
I love Jasper's look. It's somewhat retro, somewhat whorish, and totally unique. He's definitely one of my most prized creations. You can't really see it in the picture but he has a sprinkle of freckles across his nose and cheeks. He's wearing one of my favorite outfits from Club Crimsyn- it's yet another one of those things that doesn't quite look good on everybody but when it does look good on somebody it's perfect.
I love these two together, because they look like they would hate eachother, and yet deep they like to be together because they live to torment one another. As stated previously, Belladonna is somewhat of a militant feminist (who happens to like blindingly bright pink), and Jasper is the quintessential romance sim. I can totally see Jasper trying to hit on Belladonna all the time and she kicks his ass constantly because of it.
While we're on the subject of CC makeovers, I might as well post Sharla Ottomas' here. I've already shown this in a comment on my last journal entry, but I might as well post it again because it's just too awesome.
She'll be making a brief appearance in the next chapter of IB. Like she did with
madame_ugly , she sort of forced herself into the story by walking by the Wrightley's house while Guy had brought a heavily pregnant Samantha home from work.
Can't you tell she's a bit of a freak? XD
pixel_trade founder collection is open for submissions now and once again I have made some. That's right, I've made two this time! One alien and one not.
Azura Drake was made after I saw the
simsecret about nobody making S4 founders. Because of it, and because I wanted to see how this S4 default replacement looked, I made her. She's beautiful, isn't she? I especially like her eyes, lips, and slightly pointed ears. Very exotic looking.
Leon has a bit of a silly story. You see, he started his life as an alien child named Leon Wainwright. That's right- as in I totally downloaded Fanseelamb's Rufus Wainwright sim after the silly discussion I had with
strange_tomato about wanting Frances to meet him and he got his ass abducted on me. Or I uh, kinda wanted to see what his alien spawn would look like. I have since cloned that sim, edited his features a bit in bodyshop, and changed his eye color. Now, he looks like he could be Belladonna's shy knowledge sim younger brother or something.
His last name is me totally geeking out. It makes him part of a trio- along with Jasper and Balthazar. To my surprise, I named those two without even knowing that those supposedly were the names of the three kings that went to see baby Jesus in the Christian Bible. So I totally had to have a Melchior to complete the set!
Speaking of Balthazar...
Hehe, I'm actually not that surprised, since
this entry happened.