:sings: Happy Birthday
katu, happy birthday
katu- I read your legacy all the time but never comment and I feel bad because of it... (Asylum!) Bao-Dur says hi too!
Speaking of him, here's some silly pictures that are supposed to be in the next update- though since nobody reads this unless I post an advertisement, I don't see any harm putting them here now:
Aggie: Oh don't mind me Bao-Dur dear, I'm just mopping up this conveniently placed puddle!
You don't fool me one bit, mister Aggie.
I know why you spend your time in the bathroom so much- and it does NOT have to do with cleaning!
For some strange reason, going on a date with Nathan came up in Marina's wants at one time. Bao-Dur thought that the perfect time to fart would be when she asks him out!
Bao-Dur: Aww man, I am so totally lame. Now I bet Nate and Marina will remember me as the dude who let a rip right in their faces on their first date!
Don't get too worked up about it, sweetie. I don't think they noticed you at all!