Immortal Beloved Extras (#4): It's Family Portrait Time!

May 02, 2008 10:50

I updated my userinfo, everybody!  It was the same way for years with all these broken pictures and credits to graphics I don't even have anymore.  On it, I have some "family portraits" of my sims in the story.  They're not really the typical "go to a studio to get your picture taken" ones though.  I wanted to capture them as they normally are.  So without further ado, here they are!  (Oh, and I also included some spam of my favorite pictures that I doubt I'll ever be able to use.)  PLUS, A sneak peak at the Wrightleys!

A typical day at the Mace household.

Here's a good headshot of Julia, since the last time you saw her she was complaining about the messy bathroom with a terrible face on.  She's pretty, isn't she?  Her personality, however, is NOT.   She's a Family/Knowlege sim with 1 nice point, 10 neat, almost full active and outgoing, and only 3 playful points.  You will see more of her in Chapter 1 part 2.

And here's Lydia actually smiling!  I originally thought she was a clone of Van, but then realized she had Blair's mouth and (I think) his eyebrows.  She also has his eye color as well.  I believe she is full active with only 3 nice points.  Oh, and that's Chester Gieke's head in the background.  Don't know why he's there.

Olivia is very beautiful, in an unconventional way.  Here's an old picture of her that I just had to share because I love the lighting.

This girl is FIERCE with her 3 nice points, almost full active, 2 neat points, almost full outgoing, and almost full active.  I didn't actually plan on making Olivia a lesbian.  Marina and her kind of decided they liked eachother on their own.  It was weird, I had Olivia check out Marina once and she shot hearts at her, and then Marina decided to just caress her right then and there!  It was very strange. 
She's Popularity/Family by the way.

Typical day at the Terrano residence.  The reason why they are Terranos instead of Grunts will come up later in the story.  Tank LOVES Moonshine (the cat, not the drink) a little too much.  I have to constantly stop him from picking him up and throwing him into the air.  Stella and him are three bolters since I changed their turn ons/offs.  They love eachother so much it is sickening.

I may have posed Marina like that with the Bon Voyage poses, but she does the wave on her own a lot too.  Bunker and her wear outfits that they had on when they first transitioned.  Marina decided she wanted to be like her mom, wearing the same clothes that Stella wore when she was in college.  She's Knowlege/Romance, and has about 10 Neat and Outgoing points.

I CANNOT get Bunker off that stupid bike.  He's constantly overheating.  Stupid 10 active points.  If I leave the kid idle for one second, I'm afraid he might commit suicide.  Tank at least is usually doing silly things with the cat and surprisingly doesn't pay attention to the equipment.  And if you remember, I mentioned the Hogan Athletics award in the last entry of the story.  It's true, that is the first want that popped up when Bunker became a teenager.

Here's the full picture of Tank that's in my default Icon...  I think it needs a better caption, don't you think? 
He does this weird face quite a lot since he's so serious.

And HERE is the bowing that Tank does 24/7.  Multicultural dread pirate indeed!  I just let him do it because it makes him happy and it looks so funny.  Especially when the reaction is usually like "you're crazy, man".

See what I mean? 
Bunker has the most expressive eyebrows...  I think I'm in love.

He also has about 8 nice points, 7 playful points, 2 outgoing points, and 7 neat points,  and is always doing this.  SO cute.  He's Pleasure/Family by the way.  I really had a hard time deciding what aspiration he was going to be.

And here's a lovely picture of Stella and Fireflies.  I really wanted to include more of her in the last entry, but I couldn't find a way to fit her in.

The Curious family!  This shot was made using 100% Bon Voyage poses.

HI MAXIS!  He does this face a lot.  I don't know what type of personality triggers it.  Nice/Playful or Outgoing/Playful?  He has like 6 outgoing, 7 nice, 9 playful, full neat, and only 3 active points.

The kid is SUCH a clown.  His typical greeting for everyone he sees is either hitting them with a pillow or a water balloon.  I am going to have so much fun with this guy, with his Money/Romance aspiration and his LTW to own 5 Top Level Businesses.  Not to mention his obsession with Lazlo.

...And his obsession with Bunker Terrano.  Why was he standing behind him, you ask? 
I have been contemplating what I want to do with these two, because with all the hugging they do, they really do give off a "more than just friends" vibe.   Oh well, I have some time to think.  It's not that it's really important anyway.

Gherkin is Fava/Bean in drag.  'Nuff said.  She has an INSANE personality with full playful, active, and nice, and one shy and neat point.  She is going to be so fun to play when she's older!

And finally...  THE WRIGHTLEYS!

They've also been starting a little family of their own since we've left off with them.
They're Wrightleys because I didn't want Worthington III to be the last name of all of them.  It wouldn't make sense!  Anyway, their two boys are adopted.  The kid on the left is Alvin, and the one in pink (YES, HE CAME TO THE HOUSE WEARING A PINK OUTFIT AND PINK PAJAMAS!  What are you trying to tell me, Maxis?) is Sterling.  Alvin is really cute, but Sterling has a face that I think would look better on an adult.  We'll just have to see if he grows into it.  I do love the name he has, though.  It just sounds like such a pompous, rich kid's name.

And if you're wondering if they are still congratulating eathother and talking about woohoo-ing, the answer is yes, Yes, YES!

Frances is usually oblivious to what is happening with the kids.  Guy (family/popularity) is the one who usually has to take care of them.  Frances is pleasure/grilled cheese, so what else would you expect? 
Oh, and yes, 3 nice point Alvin came with pink pajamas as well.

I've always wanted to see how Frances and Guy would have looked like if they were teens, so I decided to age them down using the Sim Modder when they first moved into the house.

Interesting that they kept their engagement rings on.  When they both saw eachother as teens they started caressing and squeezing.  It was so cute!

Unfortunately since they couldn't keep their hands off of eachother, I couldn't get a good picture of them.
They were aged right back up to adults shortly afterward.

Alvin is constantly playing with the dollhouse.  And it's usually with the two men.
I do not approve of stereotyping gay people or sims, but I guess Maxis has decided that I should.
This picture was achieved with GunMod's camera Mod.  I LOVE IT!  But I hope that my brother doesn't decide to delete it on me in the future.  IF he ever finds out that it's on there.  (He doesn't take pictures)

In the following images, the ultimate family man Frances J. Worthington/Wrightley will give his son some valuable advice:

"Screw School!"

"Become a drag queen instead!"

"You mean, I get to wear pretty dresses?"

"Can I have a beautiful hat with feathers on it too?"

:Long, awkward pause:

"Absolutely, son!"

Well, there you have it!  Unfortunately I don't know when I will be able to get to my next update.  I am bogged down with schoolwork yet again and my recital is coming up and I really need to practice.

But I will get to it eventually! I can't wait to get to chapter 1 part 2.  I'm telling you, A LOT will happen.

wrightley, curious, the sims 2, gen. 2, mace, terrano, extras

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