Apr 08, 2011 02:14
"Why do you build, knowing that destruction is inevitable? Why do you cling to life, knowing all things must die...knowing that none of it will have meant anything once they do?"
~Kefka Palazzo, Final Fantasy VI
On April Fool's Day, within a month of her wedding, my friend woke up to the horrible truth that her betrothed would never again wake up. The funeral was the most harrowing experience of my life. I cry just trying to imagine what she's going through, and still I know that no degree of imagination or empathy within me can bring me close to actually understanding or where she is at right now or feel what she is going through. She knew who she was going to spend the rest of her life with, who she would share love and support with, whose children she would bear, who would be at her side as they watched them grow, as their careers evolved, as they retired and watched their grandchildren grow. Then reality turned to her and said, "No." Without warning of any kind, he was gone at 29, and the dreams they had built together were destroyed. So if you read this, I ask for your prayers, thoughts, hopes, will, energy, empathy, or anything else that you believe in, with the hope that she will wield the strength to build again in spite of having had the knowledge of destruction's inevitability forced upon her in so vulgar a manner.
To any and all who read this, know that you are loved. And never forget this.