Keeping Productive For a Change

Apr 10, 2012 11:10

I am kind of weird... some days I do good with keeping up with my entries... other days I do not.. I wonder what is up with that. Anyway, I crashed out really early last night. I was kind of worried about waking up and not being able to fall asleep. However, I did manage to fall back asleep and sleep through most of the night. So I do not have to worry about stuff like that... for now. Anyway I am nice and refreshed. Not that I did not sleep a bit more in bed.. but still I am refreshed enough right?

Anyway, I am doing pretty good with my work this morning. The fact that the latest training manual is only 80 pages long shows that I can get through it quickly. Granted a lot of the stuff is pretty abridged. However, I can skip over some parts and go straight to the labs. I like these short manuals.

Surprise surprise I did not go over the labs.  I just warp speed ran through the book.. oh well.. I hate labs anyway.  Nothing but a simple hello world kind of crap.  I prefer practical experience... plus I have about a million of these to go over.  Uhh god I am so tired of this.  At least I am almost done with the core stuff.  Once that is done I can be done.

Today I had a really good workout.  I am not sure why.. it was one of those random days where I workout and I just feel good and get a lot done... too bad I was terrible with my food guide.  I mean I did go out for mexican food.  Oh well, I can forgo one day... as much as I hate it.  Tomorrow I will do better.

I am happy though I actually emptied out my to-do list.  That was a nice change for once.  It has not been empty for about 3 months now.  Oh well at least it is a start... speaking of starting... didn't I say I was going to start on my packing today?  Hmmm I guess there is always tomorrow right?  Chances are it will be on Friday, my off day.

diet, workout, work, to-do

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