Sep 30, 2010 23:17
FINALLY MONEY MONEY MONEY, I finally have money to my name again. I made doubly sure that I cancelled that automated payment from Chase. That totally fucked me over last week. Given the fact that Wells fargo cannot seem to get me my fucking new credit card it would be bad if that happened again.
Anyway, today the other boss was a bit annoyed at me because I could not read his mind when developing the SCP. I told him how fucking stupid their model was. There was no fucking point in making a site with 7 custom pages. Having the banner go back to the main home page... who the fuck thinks that is a good business practice? Seriously, that confuses the shit out of me and I am smart. A stupid person would be completely lost. What kind of mother fucking idiots do I work for? Also fuck you Other Boss. "Why can't your developer do that?" Fuck you ok, that was never something I was told to code for. That as your own fucking idea. The way they set up their site is fucking stupid and you know it. Do not write me off as the bad guy here. I am not the fucking bad guy. I did my job, I looked at these sites as what they are supposed to be individual sites. Not glorified sections, that was not a requirement. No change is simple, you seem to fucking forget that all the fucking time. Shared code changes things. I have to tread lightly otherwise I bring down the entire fucking system you cock.
I was glad that I could just stare at google documentation all day today. Even if the day went by very slowly. It was nice to do some training. I am starting to like working out more and more often. I think I might have to cancel my recovery day here soon. Just because I need to make up for my crappy diet. I do not know, either way today was a nice session... even if Kettle bells kind of hurt me.