Jun 07, 2012 07:43
So today has been one of those days that I am not really 100% sure how I feel about my productivity. I mean on the first side of things I am being good at walking to the gym. On the bad side of things I am sucking at work. I mean the changes I made were not that big so why did it take me so long to deal with them. I need to get my head back in the game a big.. then again.. i am not sure what is expected of me. I also need to remember to start caring more about work in the future. Regardless I am not really sure what I can do about anything these days... I am just really tired.
I really need to figure out why I have such a hard time sleeping most night.. it does not make sense to me to be honest. I mean I am going to bed yet I am not tired. I guess that is why I am trying something new tonight in the fact that I am going to write out this before I go to bed. Maybe that will fix something or something... I do not know. Uhhh god I am just tired... yet I cannot sleep because I must play the old republic.
Yes I need to play star wars.. what the hell is wrong with me? I am becoming more and more NEET everyday. This kind of sucks. I wish I was worth something more than the trash I really am.. but there is nothing I can really do other than just accept my fate as a loser. Man I am not looking forward to the next couple of days. I am just so tired of everything. I mean I have so much shit to do tomorrow. Then I have to work my ass off to figure out this glossary thing.. plus I have to work on my website. I just do not have the energy to do all of this.
Anyway work was ok, I managed to learn that for some reason UCM is annoying about case of stuff. Which is why it took me forever to figure out that bug. At the end of the day though I was able to get it working and that is all that matters. Man I really do not want to think about stylesheets right now. That is the one thing that keeps me from doing any work on my website. I guess it is time for me to figure out something... hmm oh well I will figure it out later. I need to set more goals for myself. Lets see here.. stuff that I can do. I mean prototyping the damn thing is hard when you ahve no artistic skill.
Anyway, I felt really good at the gym. Yeah I sucked up the pull-ups, but I did not suck up the atlas stones. Those are always good to have. At least I was doing good at that event. Even if I did suck up at the actual WOD. Oh well such is life these days I guess. I just need to focus on working out and stop being lazy. Hmmm I need to start doing more pushups at home. I should figure out some kind of morning routine. That way I can kepe working out and get to where I want to go. I am going to get that 25 pushups by the end of june if it kills me.
Anyway at the gym one person mentioned how she hates the fact that Paleo works. I have to agree with her. It really sucks that it works. Because now I have no excuse to stop. Granted I am not 100% paleo with my diet pop... but whatever, I will live. I will just lie about it and move on with my life. I will talk with the coach and stuff. I hate when they announce that we need to use the physical therapist. Because now I cannot go see her when I really want too. These god damn joints of mine.
Ah crap I need ot get a card for my sister. Oh well I will give her a call or something.. I do not know I do not know how much money I can really give her after all she is broking me. Well I am broking me with the cat and all that stuff. However, I will keep things up. Stiff upper lip or something. Anyway that is all for this.