Nov 11, 2011 00:48
I'm participating in the Christmas fanfiction fest and need 20 more prompts people!!! Please prompt me!!!
If you want to give me a prompt, please leave a comment on this entry.
- I accept the first 24 prompts I am given, regardless of who you are or if I know you. (I've gotten 4 so far)
- You give me characters/pairing, a fandom and a prompt.
- If I don't know the fandom you're requesting I will leave the space open for you to add one that I do, because I may miss a fandom on my list, weirder things are known for happening. I will do het, slash, and fem-slash. I will also do crossovers if I am fairly knowledgeable of the fandoms involved.
The fandoms I can write are: Anita Blake Series, BtVS, AtS, Big Bang Theory, Torchwood (Series 1 and 2 only), Various Greek/Roman myths, Harry Potter, True Blood, Futurama, Vanture Bro.s, Inuyasha, Samurai Champloo, Rin, Sekirei
prompt me