Overdose part 2

May 08, 2009 17:00

Title: Overdose part 2
Author: Xeelia
Pairing: Spike/Dawn
Rating: NC-17
Summery:  Spike deals with what has happened to Dawn.
Dislcaimer: Um Yeah so the characters, while they are nice and all, don't even come close to belonging to me...

The hospital smelt of antiseptic, sickness, and death to Spike.  He hated this place.  This place had taken Joyce away, this place was not going to take Dawn away, it just couldn’t, except it could.

The doctor came out of Dawn’s room with a frown.

Buffy stood stoic while the Doctor told her that her baby sister was probably not going to wake up, ever, that even if she did she would probably be brain damaged.

Spike stood and watched the Scoobies encircle Buffy as she broke.  Angelus’ voice rang in his head, “They are always most beautiful when they shatter William.”

Suddenly Buffy sprang up her eyes wild, a mad smile on her face, and ran over to Spike.  “She’s in a coma, she can’t feel pain!  You can turn her, then she’ll be alright!”

Spike was shocked.  “I… what?  You want me to go in that room, suck the very blood from her veins and kill her?  Take all away?  I can’t…the chip…”

Buffy laughed in a twisted way.  “She can’t feel pain Spike.”

Spike couldn’t move.  His eyes flicked from one Scoobie to the next, seeing the same thing in each one’s eyes; they all wanted him to do it.  “But..she’s Dawn, she special and sweet and…I can’t…please don’t make me do this…she was my friend…”

Spike remembered a similar situation when he was first turned and Angelus had held his cousin’s wife for Spike to dine upon.  He had glowered at Spike and described what he was planning on doing with the woman if Spike refused, it was far worse than just killing her.  Angelus won, Spike had drained her.  There had been no escaping Angelus’ commands and he knew the same was true of Buffy.

Buffy grasped his duster’s lapels and dragged him close to her.  He could feel her hot breath as she spoke seductively.  “If you do this Spike I will give you anything you want, I’ll even get that nasty ole chip outta your head.”

Spike was close to tears.  “I don’t care about that!  I can’t do this…not to my Nibblet.”

Buffy’s eyes sparkled in triumph.  “Nibblet?  You even call her food.  If you do this Spike she’ll be forever, she’ll be strong, she’ll live forever…”

Spike normally would have been able to resist such taunts but not this time.  The image came to his mind of Dawn dancing amongst the corpses of the Scoobies.  He knew he was about to give in and do as the Slayer asked.  He tried one last time.  “Will...will it even be her?”

Buffy smiled.  “Yes, we’ll make sure of it. We might be able to resoul her like Angel!”

Just then Willow found her voice.  “N-no we can’t.  Dawn doesn’t have a soul, she never did, the monks couldn’t give her one but her keyness will make her different from other vamps, not sure how though.”

Buffy frowned but the determined look was still in her eyes.  “Do it Spike, save Dawnie…you promised to protect her.”

Spike broke, he had to save her, couldn’t live without her, his one real friend.  He silently stalked into her room while the Scoobies kept the doctors and nurses busy.

He looked down at the frail girl on the bed.  She looked so different than when he had last seen her.  Her hair was dull and lifeless as his hand drifted through it and her skin was sickly pale.  She was so tiny in the bed, so small without all her passion and bravado.

He knew he had to do this, if he didn’t he had a feeling the Slayer would find a vamp that would, then that vampire would have completely control over his precious Bit.  His face morphed and tears spilled from his golden eyes.  He stroked her head reverently.  “Love you Bit, ‘m so sorry for this.  I’ll always take care of you, for eternity.”

With that he bit into her ivory neck.  The blood rushed into his mouth and filled him with the same high he got from Slayer blood.  The tears flowed freely from his eyes as her heart started to slow.

Suddenly he was in a field of lavender.

Spike gasped as he realized he wasn’t alone in this field but with Dawn.  “What the bloody hell?  Bit!”


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