Бабы всегда недовольны - общемировое прозрение

Dec 19, 2019 18:20

Навели на более-менее популярное видео в англоязычном ютюбе - Millennial Women At 30 Hit With Midlife Crisis After Realizing Career Is A DeadEnd. О том, что у мужчин разброс по параметрам больше и склонность к риску выше, потому лучшие полпроцента и самое главное начальство почти наверняка будут мужчины.

+ о том, что американки внезапно обнаружили: карьера это не так приятно, как в журналах рассказывают! Даже если их освободили от забивания свай на морозе, работы в шахтах и т.п., всё равно - где тот гламур, который в кино показывают? Наверное, это опять мужики виноваты, раз чего-то недодали, угнетатели! Мне понравилось удивительное единодушие комментаторов в покатушках над бабскими разочарованиями:

Women “I want the job and pay as a man”
Society “alright I just hope you’re also ready to receive the same unfulfilling Grindy workload that men do to sustain that job that leads to a huge chunk of depressed and suicidal men”
Women “wait, what?”

Woman: "I want to settle down and have kids." Men: "No thanks. You will just cheat on me then sue me for everything I have in divorce court." Enjoy your law degree ladies. I bet it keeps you warm at night.

Women: "I want gender equality!" Also women: "I want a man who is stronger, smarter, and richer than me!"

Are women finally realizing why we die early? Being the breadwinner isn't as easy as it seems to be.
A life working in a box, doing a job you hate to make someone else rich. Women have got exactly what they demanded.

"Women make life choices" - "Men most to blame"
Women sell women on the lie of career life: men held responsible.
Ask any woman: “Whose fault is it?” The answer is always the same: “It’s men’s fault.”
You can summarize 95% of these articles written by women as "I’m miserable and men did this to me".

"You're perfect the way you are!" The worst lie ever told to children.

Everything is drama with women. My sister is on her 5th "mid-life" crisis. I swear everything sets her off. Such a brave strong feminist LOL.

These women do seem to have it all, mostly cats and anti-depression meds.
This isn’t “bad news” it’s called “reality”.

Homeless people tend to be men because their ex has the house.

Why didn’t feminists realize most men hate their Jobs and their family was what made it worth putting up with?

I love how many “strong independent women” have 5 figure debt. Nothing says Successful like a mid level manager, who has negative net worth and rapidly declining fertility!
An trajectory in life that leads to no children, is, nearly by definition, an evolutionary "dead end".

Feminism lied, now she’s lonely and fried, every morning she wakes up in the tears she cried
Feminism was telling women that having and taking care of her family was slavery, and that working 40+hrs a week in a dead end job is empowerment
You forgot to factor in that women think they're more intelligent than men by default, and that you're a misogynist for not recognizing their clear superiority.

It’s like Thomas sowell said when he was trying to find why there was a wage gap between male and female doctors, men were working WAY more hours and not as likely to take time off

Whamen: "We want to be as successful as men" Reality: "So just work as hard as men" Whamen: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Women: I want everything you have, men! I want to be paid the same and get the same benefits! I want all that male privilege!
Men: Okay! Hope you like working brutal hours at a soul-crushing job, dealing with crippling depression, yet being expected to just shut up and deal with it for the sake of others! You realize it makes you a lot more likely to kill yourself or end up dying young!
Women: Wh-what?? No, wait!

Women - "We want everything you want, men!!" Men - "Ok, you asked for it."
Women- "Oh, this is horrible, you guys just work and work and work and after all of the work, you end up loosing everything in debt or in divorce court, or you kill yourself?! And you are forced into the Draft?! And you have to pay for everything?! And you build EVERYTHING, but instead of appreciation and empathy from everyone, you are told 24/7 by Hollywood, Washington D.C. and the MSM that you are always toxic and are evil?! Oh NO, we dont want that!!"
Men - "Sucks, doesn't it, welcome to Equality."

I love how these feminists act like men don’t have to compete with each other, and all men are CEOs. There are plenty of 30yo men that are miserable with career life as well.. men just don’t have anything to blame lol

My guess, these millennial women who have grown up being bombardment with "girl power" and got successful career thought they may still be attractive by 30s...only to get hit by reality, that by choosing career, they will most likely end up unmarried, possibly due to them having very high standards, and that I doubt others would prefer a 30-year old woman that physically looks like a 50-year old.

I don't think I need to reiterate stuff that people on this sub don't already know. But damn, you would think that at this point women would warn the younger generations that maybe choosing your job first isn't always the way to go. But no, it just seems to build up more rampant man hating instead.
That would involve admitting fault and taking responsibility for their actions. Women would rather damn the next generation than admit they made a mistake.

It's Neo-Liberal propaganda. A way to turn "social-justice" or a "social change movement" into another cash grab scheme. Convince a minority group that making a large corporation money is in their best interest; increase the labor pool and drive down wages. It's why families need double incomes to support themselves and why many can't afford children. How many people's parents or grandparents needed a single income, while still affording multiple children?
Better yet, how many single parents could make ends meet with one job, rather than two or three? It's Neo-Liberalism in action. Take a perceived societal injustice and monetize it for corporate interest. Big tech is especially egregious when it comes to this. They jump on any leftist movement and manipulate it to stuff their coffers. They don't really give a damn about the issues, it's just a scheme to improve their image. How many stories need to come out about women being abused or mistreated in these supposed liberal bastions of industry? Any time someone tries to unionize they're silenced. It's the same shit companies and the government have been pulling for the last century; taking power away from individuals by subverting morality and societal norms.

Прекрасным пояснением будет отечественное видео: Почему женщине все должны. Алексей Капранов ( via darkhon) (+ "Женщина. Учебник для мужчин." + книги Бурхаева) + (Как из нас делают терпил + весёлое VK сообщество + не столь весёлый маскулист) + Униженность русских мужчин - причина пьянства + ДВОЙНЫЕ СТАНДАРТЫ м/ж

pp, fem

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