gacked from
scott42486 *waves*
You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
• Please copy the eleven topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. Remember, one-word-answers seldom help anyone out.
Kindra. I usually go by Xedra in fandom and most places on the 'Net. *shrug*
#02. AGE:
31. I still feel mentally and emotionally in my 20's, sometimes physically in my 40's. *bleh*
San Antonio, TX - I've lived here for a couple years now, born and raised in Houston.
I sit in a cubicle and do clercal work for the Bad Checks department of HEB (big grocery chain in TX). *sigh* Crap job, but I'm grateful for it.
None. I don't feel relationships are worth all the drama that goes with... *sigh* Ah well, all my reasons and feelings about this subject would take pages and pages.
#06. KIDS:
None... of my own. My neices and nephews consider me a kind of second mom since I've helped to raise most of them, especially my nieces.
Two older sisters. I'm the baby. If you look up birth order traits, we pretty much fit each profile.
#08. PETS:
One cat named Farley. He's a really pretty Siamese mix of white and orange with an orange tabby tail and bright blue eyes. Some people who love thier cats think of them as their children. I don't. He's my companion. I've had him close to 15 years now.
Work: Ever since I was hired I've been stressing that they will fire me or lay me off. I'm a good employee, but the workload is getting less and less and myself and two other coworkers are always having to look for work to do at the end of the day to fill time. I can't leave early because I can't afford to take a short check. I worry every day that one of the bosses will come in and lay me off cuz they don't need me anymore.
Home: My niece Melissa is living with me now and she's going through some typical teenage angsty stuff. We've always been able to talk to each other and get along. She has this impression that when she turns 18 things are going to drastically change in her life. Like she'll be an adult then and she can do anything she wants. *snerk* Yeah right. We've been over the fact that being 18 won't mean that she doesn't have to follow my rules anymore just cuz she's an "adult". I may not be her legal guardian anymore, but all the rules will still apply as long as she's living with me... and she isn't the type of girl that could make it out on her own. She's needs at least 5 or 10 more years of growing up maturity-wise to handle that. *sigh* Again, another topic I could go on for pages and pages about.
Cat: I'm always worrying about losing him. (Ever since losing my Mom, I worry about losing more people I love). I don't have a place to bury him if he passes, so I plan to have him cremated. I've been looking up pet crematorys and trying to find the right urn for him. I can't afford any of it right now, but he's still in good health so it's not a major worry.
Divorced when I was 3 years old. Mom passed away in 97. Dad is still around and kicking, he lives back in Houston and teaches mechanics at a technical college. We're not terribly close, but we're trying to remedy that little by little. I'll see him again at Thanksgiving.
I have several good web-friends, but Jessica is my best friend. We've known each other over 18 years and she's closer to me than either of my sisters.