I have been a bit busy and taking a LONG overdue break, but I am back now. So.... what's been up
- I have been dating someone for about 6 months now, they moved in (eeeek)
- Almost broke up a couple times but we worked it out.
- Got a promotion at work (no extra money, just 2 slaves and 3x the work)
- Got a bit of really bad medical news (was estimated to live till about 60-70, now......45 maybe)
- Went to see my family for Thanksgiving (a wee bit interesting, they all went nuts for the holidays)
- Went to see the other half's family for Christmas (even more interesting)
- Was drinking a bit too much for a while there (slowed down)
That's the highlights.
Hope to begin adding more now that I am not working 6 days a week.