Nov 19, 2005 16:51
OK, so I know way too many strange people. Recently they have been outdoing themselves though.
Drunk Taxi Bounce
So R is drunk, not fall down drunk but more then a bit buzzed and in no condition to drive so he walks out of the club and into the street. As we watch in amazement we see a taxi drive by and R literally walk into the side of it (it was doing maybe 10Mph). Taxi comes to screeching stop, R bounces off of it, spins around and then walks back to the cab and gets in. Taxi drives off. I guess that's one way of hailing a cab.
Watch that first step
They are doing construction just about everywhere it seems. In SF they do some of it at night. So while we were outside of one club getting some air we see a group of three drunkards meandering down the street, not the sidewalk mind you. Apparently they missed the fact that construction was going on, or maybe they wanted to see it, I dunno. But as they were walking the one on the far left got bumped and ended up falling into a small hole. It was only about 4 feet deep but in he went anyway. His two compatriots went on without him for about 30 feet until the guy in the hole stood up and yelled some obscenities. All told there were some scrapes and bruises but nothing serious and they were on their way in about 15 minutes.
Ahhhh Youth!
Only when you are young does the thought of doing really stupid things appeal to you. Case in point. I have a friend named Martin, he is young (22). While outside the club with a few friends looking for Martin we suddenly spot him. He is on the roof of a car 'surfing' his way down the street. They aren't moving fast but this is SF and there are lots of wires above for the MUNI buses (one wrong touch and all that will be left is some ash in your shoes). This moron is having a great old time and the driver is totally smashed (barely keeping it on the road at 15Mph). A couple of us stop the car, jump on the hood and get Martin down before he kills himself. He was a bit miffed and proclaimed that the lines wouldn't kill him cause he wasn't grounded (good point, as long as you don't touch two of them). We all ended up laughing about it later but only when you are young does that seem like a good idea.
More stupid people tricks to come.