Well then.

Sep 27, 2005 03:29

Man, I'm behind on this.

Anyway, I haven't really done a whole lot since the last time I actually decided to update this. Just before I left the east coast for the visit I had, I went to Bowling with Wierdos 4. It was fucking sweet.

I think the coolest thing I've done since I updated last was that I dyed my mohawk green. I like it a lot. It's almost a foot long now. I'm gonna try and take some more pictures of it again soon.

I'm still trying to find another job during the daytime-ish hours. I still really want to work in a shop somewhere. That's all I really want to do. I don't even care what I'd do there... working at a shop would at least bring me one step closer to doing something I actually want to do. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure something out soon.

I still plan on getting branded sometime soon. I can't wait till that actually happens. I'm also going to stretch my nostrils very soon, after some jewelry that I ordered comes in. My nostrils will finally be at 4's after being at 6's since I got them done over a year and a half ago. I stretched my septum a little bit too. I think that the tusk that I'm wearing is a 2 guage at the biggest part and a 3 in the middle. It could be a 4, but I'm not really sure. Once it calms down in my nose a little bit, I'll take it out and check it up to a gauge wheel and actually find out.

In other, unrelated news... work is lame and I don't want to be here right now. But whatever. It's money. That's why I want to work in a shop so bad... because I know that I wouldn't have such an awful time there like I do here. Oh well. I'll figure something out I'm sure. I'll just have to go to some shops and try to see if I can pressure them into hiring me.

Well, I suppose since I'm at work, I should start doing my job. Eh, it's not like I want to. I probably just should. I'll try and update this more frequently. Hopefully, anyway.

Keep on keepin' on and/or truckin'.
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